Chapter 13

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"Okay, spill, what's going on with Edward Cullen's evil brother ?" Vicky sat down on my bed with Nadia and a hell of a lot of Ice Cream.

"Honestly ? I have no idea, lately he doesn't seem to be as bad as he was first off, hell he killed those guys but it feels like he's bipolar, and any minute now he'll turn around and hit twice as hard," I had seen first hand the ruthlessness of Stefan more then once but here...

"At least he's treating you with kindness, or what he thinks is kindness... He could treat you a lot worse," Like Ben... I pushed away the thoughts and nodded to Nadia.

"Kindness or not, we are getting out of here as soon as we can, and hopefully before four months and I turn into a ripe peach," I turned up the music before grabbing a stool, smashing it against the floor then taking the broken pieces to the bed with a few knifes. I grabbed a tub of ice cream and put a spoonful in my mouth before getting to work on the stakes.

"So, how many stakes do you think we will need ?" Nadia looked at one of the stakes I had made the other night.

"Well, I could probably keep maybe twenty stakes on me, same for you two, I can fit one of the knifes in my boot, that should be enough to keep us safe till we find the others," I finished one and put it down before starting a new one. There was a knock at the door, before we had a chance to hide our stuff away Skye stepped into the room with Pandora.

"Hey, we got that book you wanted to.... What are you doing ?" Pandora closed the door as Skye stepped closer to us, I grabbed a stake and stood in front of Vicky and Nadia.

"Touch them and I'll kill you quicker then you can blink," I didn't really want to kill them, they were some of the only nice people we had met since being here, besides Nadia. Skye sized me up before putting the book down on Vicky's bed.

"You wonn't be able to get away if all you're using is stakes," I gave her a confused look. "I have a bow and arrow, it will be useful because it isn't noisy and can shoot from long distance, you can have it."

"Why are you telling me this ?" Pandora came and stood next to Skye.

"Because it's obvious you hate it here, we will help you when we can," Pandora took a cautious step forward. "If you'll let us."

"Fine," I lowered my arms and threw my stuff on the bed. "But if anyone finds out I'm coming for you."

"Deal," Skye grabbed the book and joined us all on my bed, I was surprised my bed fit five people, broken pieces of wood, Ice Cream, a big book and knifes. "How about we look through the book and the others carve the stakes ?"

"Okay," I grabbed the duffle from under the bed and opened it. "Put the stakes in here once you are done."

"How long you been at this ?" Pandora looked at all the stakes I'd made, since I had free time a few had intricate designs on them.

"A few weeks," I opened the book and Skye and I had moved to Vicky's bed to give the others space as we read through the book. "What's that ?" I pointed at a drawing of a Lotus flower and black swirls below and above it.

"Umm," Skye leaned over my shoulder to look, she was eating some of my Ice Cream at that point. "It is the symbol of Purity, it's also associated with Pure Blood's, like a mark of Pure Blood," huh, if that was the mark of the Purity... Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Ben mocked me by calling me it, Casey from my dream mocked me by it, well I'm done with it being mockery.

"Could you give me a tattoo of it ?" She looked a little caught off guard at first.

"Uh, sure, where ?" I sat up a bit.

"Here," I pointed at my hip, the one which didn't have Purity on it.

"Okay, I'll go get the stuff," She got up and left.

"You sure you want this ? Because once it's done I can't undo this easily," I was laid down on Vicky's bed, with my shirt off, Skye had the equipment ready and was about to start. Pandora, Vicky and Nadia had finished a while ago and were sitting on my bed watching the Maze Runner.

"Yeah, I'm sure," she started to draw the design.

"Why do you want to get this tattoo anyway ?" Vicky passed me some Ice Cream.

"I'm done with being mocked by being called Purity, I'm a Pure Blood, if they wanna call me that then I'll wear the name with pride."

"Doesn't it hurt ? I always wanted to get a tattoo but I heard they hurt too much," Vicky was watching as Skye drew the tattoo.

"A little, but I've felt worse," I ate the ice cream as we watched the rest of the movie.

"Damn, Newt is hot," Nadia mumbled as she shovelled in another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"Yeah, but I still prefer Dylan O'Brian," I laughed.

"Stop moving or I'll mess up," Skye scolded me. We got through about two other movies, Wild Child and Stardust, my all time favourite, before Skye was done. "Done, now go have a look," I got up and walked to the mirror.

"Wow," It looked really good, sure it was a little red but that was to be expected, other then that it looked perfect. "Thank you, it looks great."

"Avalon ?" I turned back smiling, although it fell when I saw their faces.

"What's wrong ?"

"Where did you get the scars on your back ?" Vicky looked heart broken.

"Like I said, I've felt worse," I grabbed a shirt and threw it on. "Thank you for this guys," I gave Pandora and Skye a hug before climbing into bed. "I hope you guys don't mind, but I just want to sleep."

And out went the lights.

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