Chapter 27

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I woke up and saw a slither of sunshine poking through the curtains, I sat up, stretched my arms and got up, I grabbed a blanket from the bottom of my bed and walked downstairs, I found the cupboard where Raine had stashed the alcohol and took out a glass and a bottle of Jack Danial's before opening the back door and sitting on the porch. I smiled as the sunlight hit my face, it had been three months since I last felt it.

"God I missed this," I closed my eyes and let it all soak in. I opened the bottle and poured myself a drink. I must have only been asleep, four, five hours, the sun was only just rising. "Beautiful, isn't it ?" I turned to Nadia, offering her the glass.

"It's been sixty years, without sunlight," she took the glass and sat next to me. "I never thought I would see it again."

"There's alot of things I never thought I'd see again," I took a swig of the bottle. "Honestly I didn't expect to make it out of there alive."

"You were ready to die ?" I nodded. "So," I smiled at her attempt to change the subject. "What are going to do today ?"

"Well for starters we are going to wait for Vicky to wake up, our best bet is to stay here for a few hours, rest, eat, pick up walking while it's light, soon as we find a working phone, we can go home."

"You mean your home ? With Hunter, Raine and Tyler ?" She paused. "With Archer ?"

 "Yeah," I let out a soft laugh. "I'm going to see them again, never really sunk in until now."

"Yeah, you guys get to go home to your friends and family," Nadia took the bottle and took a swig. "How can you be sure they won't kill me for being a vampire ?"

"They won't touch you, I won't let them hurt you or even lay a finger on you," I smirked. "Unless you ask them to."

"Shut up," she gave me a slight shove and we both laughed.

"I wish Skye and Pandora had taken up our offer," I shook my head. "Every second they stay the closer they are to death."

"Stefan won't kill them, he has no reason to," Nadia shrugged.

"Yes he does, one time he told me that my altruism, my compassion, will end me," I played with the necklace Archer gave me. "How do take down someone with enough compassion to fill the world ?"

"You kill the people they care about," Nadia answered my question.

"Start off small with a few friends, few family members, keep going until you reach the one they can't live without."

"You think he's going to try and kill Archer ?" I bellowed out a laugh.

"I'd love to see him try, but in all honesty he will try and kill them all until it's just me."

"How'd you figure that one out ?"

"Last few months I've seen alot of Stefan, I guess I picked up on how his mind works," I shook my mind of Stefan. "Come on, let's go make some breakfast," we got up and started to raid the kitchen for food to make. It was about an hour until Vicky woke up.

"Something smells good," Vicky hopped up onto the table edge.

 "Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and waffles," Vicky raised a brow. "What can I say ? I'm hungry. Now eat up," I put the food on the table and we dug in.

"So, what's the plan Av ?" Vicky bit off some of her bacon.

"There should be a house an hour or so away from here, we can rest here for a few more hours before we set off again, from there we can find out where we are and then we can use their phone and call Max to come get us," I had finished my food so I cleared away the dish and started to clean. "You guys should go sleep or rest in some way, I'm going to make sure we have everything before we leave."

"You should get some sleep too Av, you haven't slept well in months, you barely get a few hours," Nadia passed me her plate.

"No, I'll sleep when we go home, if I try and sleep now all I get is nightmares," I threw the plate in the sink and the water splashed all over the floor. "Damn," I grabbed a towel and began to clean it up.

"Okay, wake us up when it's time to go," they went upstairs and back to sleep until I woke them several hours later.


"Okay, so the house should be an hour that way," I pointed forward, we were already and I had so many weapons hidden on me that I looked like a trained killer. Once I had woke the girls up we had quickly left the cabin, right now we had been walking for ten minuets.

"Sounds good," Nadia pushed a branch out the way.

"God I can't wait to crawl into a nice cozy bed and sleep for days," I stumbled over a tree root but regain balance.

"Who's bed ?" Vicky wiggles her brow and Nadia laughs at us as I shove Vicky a little.

"Archer's, the bed he has in his apartment is the most comfortable ever, more comfortable then Chloe's," Chloe had this really soft bed, so soft that when ever we stayed over the second we sat down on it we fell asleep.

"And do you mean sleep or sleep ?" It was Nadia's turn to wiggle her brows.

"Sleep, although the latter may not be such a bad idea since the last time that happened was almost a year ago..." Both the girls stopped in their tracks. "What ?"

"A year ?!" Well if the vampires didn't know where we were before the loudness of those two must have told them.

"Well only the day before he made me forget did we actually do it and well, I was going out with Hunter after that and then I was mad at him so yeah," I shrugged and carried on walking.

"Wait, did you and Archer talk before you were taken ?" I shook my head at Vicky.

"No, so when I see him I'm going to tell him I forgive him and love him," She smiled at me. We all froze when we heard a voice.

"Where are those girls ?" It sounded gruff, we all ducked behind a bush. "If we don't find them soon Stefan will have our heads."

"Oh god," I made a shushing motion to Vicky, the guys sounded like they were a few feet away, when I moved closer I saw a large group men and woman in a clearing.

"Okay, here's the plan," I kept an eye on the group of vampires. "When I tell you to run, you sprint as fast as you can."

"Okay," Nadia held onto Vicky's hand, ready to run. I stood up and started to climb the tree, when I was high enough I positioned the bow and arrow to aim at one man's heart. I left my bag at Raine's so I only had the weapons I had on me. I narrowed my eyes, pulled back the string and adjusted the string, when the man turned around to face our way I let go and fired.

"RUN!" The girls ran for it while I jumped down and walked out to the clearing. "I thought Stefan got the memo," I pulled out the arrow from the dead man's chest. "I didn't want to be followed."

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