Chapter 24

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Avalon's POV

"So what was that about before in the training room ?" Vicky walked back into our room drying her hair with a towel. After Stefan left Skye and Pandora came in and helped train the girls, I had been working on a punching dummy.

"Stefan wanted to try and prove that he actually helped me in becoming who I am now," I took another mouthful of my toasted ham and cheese. "Dumb idiot."

"Well honestly, I like this Avalon just as much as the old one, because both are the still an amazing girl who smiles to keep everyone happy," Nadia laughed and joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, despite what anyone else thinks or how you feel you always got that little Avalon smile," I shook my head and laughed.

"You guys are delusional," I shoved the rest of my sandwich in my mouth and walked over to Nadia's bed.

"Avalon Greene," The door flew open and there stood Lizze. "You're coming with me," she looked slightly crazed, she smiled at me.

"Why's that Liz ?" I stood up and smirked, although I don't know how intimidating I could look in a long sleeve top and short shorts.

"You think you're so perfect, so pure, you never even had to try and people instantly wanted you!" She let out a bitter laugh which made Nadia and Vicky grow closer to me and me to take place in front of them. "You don't have to try, and suddenly everyone wants little Purity."

"What do you want Lizze ?" I inched closer to the kitchen to grab a knife.

"I always tried so hard to try and compete with you, and you aren't even trying!" she walked into the room and looked around. "Casey always hated you, she resented you, guess I did a little too."

"Why ?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Because you had everything! The loving parents, all the guys wanted you, hell they made a game in school, 'who could deflower little miss innocence ?' every other girl had to work twice as hard to gain  even a slither of the attention you hard," She threw a vase from on the dresser. "Although no one knew how much of a whore you really are, giving it up after a month to a stranger ?" She laughed, and I snapped.

"How much of a whore are you then since you spread your legs in the first hour!" I stepped forward.

"You got everything, you were always the lucky one, while everyone else got nothing."

"You want my life ? Take it, my life has been anything but good, I have watched so many people I love die because of me, I have been tortured, mutilated and everything in your worst nightmares, nothing about my life is great!"

"Yet you still have everyone wanting you," She sneered. "And I'm done with it," she pounced on me, taking us both to the ground. She punched me in the jaw, I flipped us so I was on top and punched her in the abdomen, winding her.

"And I'm done with you," I headbutted her but she switched our roles so she had the advantage, I kicked her off and she flew off me towards the door, I rolled over into a crouched position. I ran forward and kicked her into the wall opposite.

"You're going to pay for that Purity," she stood up and spat out blood.

"Try me STD," She ran at me but I grabbed her arm and threw her down the hall. I closed our door and locked it, making sure no one could get into the room and they couldn't get out, I shoved the key down my shirt and ran after Lizze.

"Avalon! Don't do it, she's getting what she wants! Avalon!" I ignored the girls screams and ran at Lizze, she turned, grabbed my ankle and threw me into a wall. I felt the wet on the back of my head and brought back my hand to see blood.

"Aww, did I hurt you ?" She cooed.

"No," I stood up, slightly limping. "But I'm going to hurt you."

"WHAT THE HELL ?" Was the only thing heard from a room as I threw Lizze through a wall, she landed over the other side of the room. She picked up a chair, banged it against a wall, breaking it, and started throwing the jagged pieces at me, I dodged each one.

"Missed me!" I pulled a piece from the wall and threw it back at her. She ducked and threw another one at me which I managed to dodge again. "Missed me again!" 

I threw another piece at her and she ran out the closest door, I ran out after her until we reached the kitchen, people watched us in wonder, screaming things like 'Someone get Stefan!' 'Get out the way!' and my personal favourite, 'What kind of crazy are those bitches ?'

"You done yet Liz ?" We stood at different ends of the kitchen isle.

"Not even close," she picked up a handle of knifes and threw them at me, I dodged most of them but missed one as it got lodged in my shoulder. I pulled it out and threw it back at her, narrowly missing her throat, just barely. I jumped up on the isle and kicked a pan at her face which made her fall to the floor, I jumped down and straddled her with my hands pinning her down by her throat.

"I'll tell you once, this is your only warning so you better listen, stay away from me and my friends, touch anyone I care about and I'll rip out your heart in the blink of an eye, understand ?" She spat in my face so I slammed her head against the floor. "UNDERSTAND ?"

"Y-yes, I, under,stand," she managed to choke out.

"Good," I slammed her head down again and knocked her out cold, I got up and spotted Stefan standing in the doorway. "Keep your people in line or It will be the end of their line," I stormed past him and walked back into my room to find Nadia and Vicky still pounding on our door, I unlocked it and walked in.

"What the hell Av? You locked us in here and you're bleeding!" Vicky shouted

"We were worried sick! What happened ?" I smirked at Nadia's question before slamming our door shut.

"We are getting out, tonight," the girls eyes went wide. "Pack your bags girls, we're going home."

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