Chapter 4

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Warning, Graphic scene, read at your own risk, if you feel uncomfortable with graphic nature of sexual and or violence I sugest you miss out this chapter and skip to the next xx




I gave Nadia and Vicky their mugs of warmed blood then settled down next to them with my coffee. We had put the music on then just sat down to chat, we had been here for about a week now and no one had come to see us, well besides Lizze and her beatings, thankfully she had only dragged me out twice, but I felt like she'd soon be visiting again...

"So what shall we do today ?" Vicky looked through a book she had from the bookshelf, Alice in Wonderland.

"Well we have watched almost every chick flick on this earth and baked every type of cookie, cake or desert known to man," Nadia nodded at the plates of goodies that overflowed in the kitchen. "We could read books..."

"Yeah, we might as well," I stood up and picked out a book, Anew, Archers of Avalon by Chelsea Fine, there were three books of the series so picked up all three and sat on my bed to read them.

"What did you pick up ?" Nadia opened her book.

"Anew, some immortal story, what about you ?" I laughed when she held up the book. "Twilight ?"

"Well I for one, would like to know why Edward sparkles like a stripper from Vegas," I started to sound like a squeaky door by the time Vicky noticed we were laughing.

"What did I miss ?" She looked between us as we tried to calm down and wiped the tears away.

"The love child of Dracula and Tinkerbell is a stripper," she cocked her head to the side as I burst into another fit of laughter.

"Edward Cullen ?" I nodded and she joined our laughing fit.

"Oh my, it seems to me as if being stuck in this room has driven you all to insanity," Lizze stood at the door with her two men, one man, the one who winked and leered at me while beating me was now mentally undressing me with his eyes, I shivered. "I'll have to speak to Stefan about getting you three some fresh air."

"That would be nice, thank you Liz," she glared at me.

"Come, it's time for another session," I got up and followed her out to the sound proof room. "Enjoy boys," and with that she closed the door.

"Time for fun," I heard him before the punch came so I managed to duck, I punched him in the stomach before elbowing the other man in the chin. "Feisty, I like it."

"Imbecile, I hate you," He growled before charging, I was tackled to the ground.

"I'm gonna make you scream like I did the first time we did this," He pulled out his knife.

"Then do it, I'm never going to give you the satisfaction of hearing me scream," He flipped me around before drawing lines on my back as I hissed in pain, he licked up some of the blood from my back. "Don't touch me."

"Or what ?" I managed to kick his manhood and roll out from under him but the other man pinned me down. The man who I kicked loomed over me so I spat in his face. "You're going to regret that," He began to undo his belt so I thrashed. "And I am going to enjoy every minuete of it," I made sure my head hit the floor with such force so I knocked myself out, unfortunately it didn't work the first time.

"What is she doing ?" The man holding me down asked, slightly panicking I was doing this.

"As I said, you're not going to hear me scream," I hit my head back and this time, the darkness claimed me.

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