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Hey everyone welcome to the start of this story. I'll be tellin u when all the stuff happens as the story goes on but for rn this chapter is safe from any toxic behavior. Anyway enjoy the chapter

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Third person POV

Dabi and Hawks' relationship has been pretty good if you ask me. The things they went through with each other and all the bad things being covered up from the good with everything they've been through. Dabi was brave enough to tell Hawks his life story and his real name as well as Hawks. They trusted each other enough to actually tell each other something they never would have told everyone else and that meant a lot to them

Dabi has even went out of his way to literally risk his life for Hawks against the league or other villains just to keep him safe and away from things that are evil or things that could easily hurt him. He's been making sure to keep him at his child like and energetic state as well so he doesn't ruin anything for him and just keep him happy. Trying his best to get things for him and to have dates with him every so often like maybe once or twice a month since ya know

He's a villain and Hawks is a hero

But things for them have gone really well. No one has figured out that they were dating not even the pro's knew why Hawks was acting so different once he started dating Dabi. He was more talkative, caught onto things more quickly, more energetic and so forth. Ya know doing the things you usually do once you finally got with someone you thought was the one and actually turning out to be

Even the villains didn't know why Dabi was acting how he was now. Ever since Hawks joined the league their personalities have changed over time and they grew closer eventually getting together and keeping it a secret but the league did catch on after awhile of what might be going on with them but didn't really know yet so they just gave up on trying to figure things out

Maybe it was for the best it stayed that way

Cause who knows how the league would react if they found out he was dating a hero. The number 2 hero to be exact. One wrong move and Hawks' life would be over and Dabi would be thrown out the league leaving what he called a family behind and he did not want to do that. He didn't want to abandon his family and leave everyone. He needed them more than he thought he would

He especially needed Hawks there to help him get through his night terrors and help him when he started to panic after remembering a lot of stuff with his past. So Hawks being the hero he is, is always there to help his scarred boyfriend out in the best way possible receiving the same treatment from him when Hawks had a hard time or panicked about things from his life as well

It was like living in a fairytale with these two

Always getting the happy ending

Always finding each other from something weird if you would call it that

Always being perfect for each other no matter the cost

And just willing to give up anything for the other

So if you ask me how things are going with the two I'd say great but at a certain time everything went downhill and went to absolute shit. But that's a story time for another day. How about we look into what is happening with them right now

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