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Lol hello again fellow hoomans. So in all honesty I forgot abt this for a couple days but that's not the point lol. This chapter doesn't have toxic behavior so y'all are free from that for right now. Anyway enjoy the chapter

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

So it's been a couple days and Hawks hasn't went into work. He just stayed home to not worry anyone but people were worrying. No one has seen him for a couple days so of course they're gonna worry. He just didn't wanna get out of bed since his body hurt to much at this point. All the abuse he's enduring is getting tiring for him but he doesn't say anything about it

He heard his phone ring and he groaned sitting up hissing in pain as he does so. He grabbed his phone and looked at the caller ID seeing it was Endeavor. He answered it and immediately pulled the phone away from his ear as he heard Enji scream into the other line

"Where have you been Hawks!? You missed so many patrols and you haven't shown up to your agency! I advice you to get here now your missing to many of your patrols so you better get here to start doing your job now!" he signed as he just listened to him yell on the other line shaking his head in the process

His body was in so much pain with Dabi leaving burns and bruises on him. His neck and arms were in bandages due to the burns and his stomach along with his eye were bruised. "Listen Enji I'd love to come into wo-" he was cut off by more yelling and decided to hang up at this point so he did. He placed his phone back down on the table beside him and got up groaning and hissing at the pain he was feeling

His body honestly looked terrible being in the condition he was. As he tried to stand he felt his legs go limp but grabbed onto the table to hold himself up. He wanted to cry out but kept the tears away as much as he could. He knew Dabi was home so he couldn't be seen crying or Dabi would give him a reason to cry

Hawks tried to stand again only to have the same thing happen. He tried his best to stay quiet knowing Dabi would get mad at him for to much noise. Living in a household that used to be so quiet and non-toxic was so great but now it's filled with hatred and blood and no longer quiet

Hawks got up again pulling himself towards the closet and grabbing his hero clothes and a fresh pair of boxers. He made his way out the room and to the bathroom to take a shower. He locked the door quietly and placed his clothes down and grabbed his towel of the rack it was on

He got undressed and looked himself in the mirror. He almost burst into tears as he saw how messed up he looked. Shaking his head he unwrapped the bandages and threw them away turning the water on and getting in

After his shower he put new bandages on after caring for the burns first and getting dressed. He walked back to the room grabbing his headphones and visor as well as his phone and walked downstairs getting a bit scared

"Where are you going?" Dabi asked not even having to look up from his book he was reading to see Hawks there. "I got a call from my uh....agency and they want me to come in to work for a bit to do some patrols" he responded as he put his shoes on. He heard him hum in response and sighed as he reached for the doorknob

"Be back by 9 Keigo" he knew he was gonna say that "of course I will don't worry Dabi I love you" he waited there for a response and all he got was a quiet "whatever" so he just left closing the door carefully

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