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Ah yes another update don't ya love it. I'm tryna have more things move along but this time it focuses on the LOV pov and only them bc I absolutely love them all well some of them but yea. There isnt any toxic/abusive behavior in this chapter. Anyway let's get this started and I hope u enjoy

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

Everyone in the LOV was relaxing as Dabi was out at Hawks' place. They were finally able to get some peace and quiet from him for at least a little while. Toga and Twice still kept quiet about his abusive tendencies since all the league was seeing was him yelling and breaking stuff or possibly setting things on fire when he got annoyed or to pissed off

They just relaxed for a little while longer till they heard the door being kicked open and an angry Dabi walking through. They watched as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and walked away to his room slamming the door in the process. "I wonder what his problem is this time" Shigiraki's voice was heard as he broke the silence

"He probably got mad at Hawks again or didn't get his way with something" as Twice said that they all looked at him with confused looks and basically asking what he meant by the first thing. He looked over at Toga as she had a knife in her hand pointing it at him with a glare on her face he's never seen before

"What was that Twice?" Shigiraki asked as he scratched his neck looking at him. Twice shook his head and chuckled "it was nothing really" he spoke quickly as he seen Shigiraki leave it alone at this point and sigh while smiling seeing Toga smile as well. Yet again the door was opened and Keigo made his way through the door on the verge of passing out again with the pain shooting through his body

He was currently on patrol but he decided to stop by for a little bit to rest and just talk if he was able to. His jacket was off and tied around his waist so the bandages on his arms were very visible. His headphones hung low around his neck and his visor resting on top of his head. He leaned against the wall breathing heavily as tears were still streaming down his face

"Are you ok Hawksie why do you look so beaten up?" Toga walked up to him and put her hand on his face only to have him push it away with little to no energy but she did it again and he leaned into her touch as he just cried

"I'd rather not say why..." his voice kept quiet but everyone heard the words come out of him. "It would be better to talk about it though don't ya think?" Magne was first to speak up Toga following after but pretending she doesn't know why he's like this "it really would so why don't you talk with us and tell us what's going on". She tried to lead him to a spot to sit at but he wouldn't budge from his spot

"I don't have enough energy to move.." he slid down the wall and just sat there. "Everything that's been going on...I've barely had enough energy to get up cause of all the pain I feel in my body right now...I can't even do my patrols and it's only been at least three hours into it.." he spoke quietly as he closed his eyes leaning against Toga

She just petted his head and heard little chirps come from him but having it barely audible from how weak he felt. Everyone looked at each other and nodded as they got up walking over to them and circling around the two. Everyone now able to hear his chirps from where they were sitting at

They heard his phone ring and Toga took it out only to see Endeavor is calling. His eyes open and he pressed answer putting him on speaker. "What's up Enji?" his voice weak as he spoke. "Where are you Hawks? I can't find or see you patrolling in your normal spot or any other spots you have" his tone being of course angry just making Keigo agitated

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