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Ok so I'm in a pretty shitty mood rn so why don't we write some angst to feel better. ❗abusive behavior❗anyway enjoy

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

it was the next day and just like usual Keigo woke up to an empty bed. He checked his phone to see it was almost 12 in the afternoon. He didn't have work today so at least he got to sleep for a bit. He sat up still wincing in pain as his body was aching more than usual. The sun shown through the window making him rub his eyes to get himself awake more than he was

He seen the door open and Dabi walked through "your finally awake. I thought you wouldn't wake up till later". He sighed as a response and stood up almost falling with his legs giving out on him but Dabi was quick to react catching him as he almost fell

"Careful Keigo don't need you hurt to bad yet" Keigo's eyes widen at the words coming out of his scarred boyfriends mouth

What the hell does he mean yet?!

He just nodded and let go of Dabi going to the closet and grabbing one of his hoodies and sweat pants to relax in. After getting changed he walked out the room only to picked up half way. He looked at Dabi as he was smiling down at him while carrying him to the couch and setting him down

"You hungry at all?" he shook his head and Dabi just glared at him "use your words" he said with a stern voice. "No I'm not thank you though" he spoke quickly bringing his legs up to his chest leaning his head on his knees watching TV

"Fine then. I'll be out for a little bit since handyman needs us to go on a mission so don't do anything while I'm gone" he leaned down and grabbed his neck having Keigo wince in pain since his burn still wasn't healed all the way yet. He felt his hand heat up just making the burn worse. "Do you understand birdie?" Keigo tried to get out of his grasp but his hold was to tight

"I said do you fucking understand" his voice being more stern and angry by the second. "Yes I understand!" Keigo yelled as Dabi finally let go of him "good" with that Dabi walked away to the room to go get changed coming out five minutes later putting his shoes on at the door. "I'll be back later bye Keigo" he heard the door close as he slumped into the couch his wings at his sides

He turned to the TV flipping through the channels seeing what's on but like normal nothing was good these days

A couple hrs later

Keigo was in the kitchen cooking some food for himself when he heard the door slam shut knowing that Dabi was home now

He seems pissed I wonder what happened. All I know is I gotta stay out of his way for right now

❗Warning abuse ahead❗

He went back to cooking his food but stopped when he felt Dabi grab him by his hair. "What are you doing! Get off of me!" with him saying that it only made his grip tighten. Keigo did everything in his power to fight back but nothing was working. Besides Dabi was taller and a bit more stronger than him so it's gonna take a lot to take this man down

Dabi threw him across the room making him hit the wall. You could tell he was angry and Keigo just went with it allowing him to take his anger out on him however he seen fit. And with how Dabi seen it, it was abuse. Dabi kicked him a bit to hard in his ribs not knowing if he broke one or not

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