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Heyo friends how r u? Hope ur doin ok I'm doin good myself. Anyway there's no abusive behavior in this chapter maybe a bit of manipulation but yea. Enjoy owo

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Rumi's POV

We left his home with all of us being worried. But this was gonna be fixed once we find out who's blood that is. I really hope it's not his though he looked really bad when we saw him. I can't have him getting hurt anymore so once we arrest who the person is he'll be safe and sound and I'll be able to protect him no matter what

Now that I think about it there's only one person who has staples that we know of and that's Dabi

God I really hope it's not him. He's to dangerous to be around Hawks

Once we got back we all exited his car walking inside to the lab to check the blood and see who it belongs to.  "Do you think it could really be who we think it is?" Midnight asked as she stood next to Aizawa who was currently checking it

"Telling by the staples I found I'm sure we have our answer but it doesn't hurt to check" I sighed at his answer but we all circled around him looking at the files that came up a couple minutes later. What was strange is that it came up as Todoroki Touya? I thought Endeavor only had 3 kids? I look at him to see his shocked expression on his face

"How does that match his blood. He died years ago" im pretty sure we all felt his flames get hotter as he grew angry. But these files never lie when you gotta match blood or see who's blood it is and apparently this was Touya. Endeavors 'dead' son

"We gotta head back, get Hawks to safety and arrest that villain" with that Endeavor stormed off with us running after him. We didn't take his car this time so we basically ran all the way there. Endeavor called for backup once we got there

Thank god their still awake I hope he's safe I can't lose my best friend

Keigo's POV

Me and Dabi were chilling on the couch when all of a sudden my door was kicked down by someone. I look back and notice the pro hero's that were here earlier walked through and basically invaded my home. I then notice the cops outside and I finally get what's happening

They're gonna take him away...I won't let that happen it just can't I need him here with me...he has to stay...

"We caught you now Dabi so you either surrender or we're gonna have to use force" I look as he stands up with his hands in the air not even thinking of what's happening right now. "Get away! I won't let you touch him!" I yell as I stand up ignoring the pain shooting through my body

I grab his arm and back away with him. I grab one of my long feathers sharpening it while pointing it at them. "See he loves me to much to let me go that easily. Isn't that right baby bird? You won't let them take me away right?" I look up at him for a second before nodding then look back to them as they tried getting closer but I fluff my wings up spreading them open to make me look bigger

"What are you doing he's a dangerous villain Hawks!" I looked at Rumi but I ignored her. Dabi pulled me back against him as they got closer "s-stay back! I won't hesitate to hurt any of you! I-I'm serious!" I stuttered out as I pleaded them to stay away from me and my love

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