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Ok so I'm gonna explain why I made this story

For one I've experienced stuff like this so I know how it feels to be abused and be manipulated or even guilt tripped. It's a terrible thing to experience and it's very hard to get out of situations like that but since I'm a sucker for happy endings I wanted this story to have a happy endin

I also know that Dabi would never act kind towards his partner and that's not how he acts in general. But when u write stories it doesn't have to be accurate to how they act nor does it have to be accurate to what they would or wouldn't do

It's very clear that Dabi would just not care at all and kinda be manipulative and ignorant towards someone. Doesn't matter who it is cause he just doesn't care. His only goal that we know of is to kill Endeavor and Shoto and let people know how hero society actually is

Now Hawks I have a small understandin abt his character but at the same time I don't. I haven't looked to much into him so his character and actions might have been a bit off in this story

I do know tho, since he made it clear to Endeavor, that his goal is to make a society where hero's have some free time or something like that

His character is a bit hard to understand, to me at least, but gettin to know a small portion of his childhood just makes it clear why the HPSC wanted him to be one of the top hero's

Anyway enough abt that lets talk abt the ship and why I made it this one

So everyone knows that Dabi and Hawks absolutely hate each other. From the first time they met u could tell they weren't gonna like each other. Besides that Dabi knew all along abt what Hawks has been doin whether Hawks wants to admit it or not

But one thing I don't understand is why ppl have to hate on others for shippin smth they don't. We get it shippin two straight males makes no sense but it's a ship that ppl like so get over it. If u don't like it then that's fine but don't go hatin on others who do like it

Since DabiHawks is one of my favorite ships I have a lot of ideas for the two of them but that doesn't mean I'm welcomin hate on my stories nor on my profile

But my whole point of this was to talk abt why I made it and that's exactly what I did as well as acknowledge the behaviors of Dabi and Hawks or well known as Touya and Keigo

Even if u didn't like my story that's perfectly fine ur opinion on it is valid but if u spread hate on my story then I'm just gonna delete it cause I don't need any negativity here


I also just started my third story called "My Older Brothers a Yandere" and like I said since I like DabiHawks it's abt them bc im a sucker for this ship

So if u wanna support me in writin the new story then go ahead and do so

I also rlly appreciate all the reads and votes on this one it means a lot so thank u so much ❤

But anyway

If anyone ever needs to talk or get smth off their chest u can always come to me if u have to. I'll listen to whatever ur going through even if it means stayin up all night to help u

Thank u for reading my story though and I hope this cleared some things up

I'll see ya guys in my new story bye ✌️🏻❤

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