15 (end)

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Heyo everyone. So as u see in the title this is the last chapter of this story. I have some other ideas that I'd like to get out there as well. The two stories I've written which is "Unexpected Journey" and this one was just two ideas. I've got more so I hope u all like my writing and stuff. Anyway let's get onto the story enjoy!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

So if anyone ever said that Touya and Keigo's relationship was gonna be fixed it wouldn't be believable. But it seems things have actually worked out with some little slips here and there but that's about it

Touya is still a villain with all of the LOV and Keigo actually quit being a hero to finally join his boyfriend and his friends in their villain work giving them more information that he's never told them

Everything seemed pretty chill between the two and the rest of the LOV even Touya's siblings. They still aren't ok with him still wanting to be a villain but whatever made him happy, made them happy. They would occasionally visit him as well making sure he's ok and bringing him soba which he gladly accepted

The LOV always questioned what the three Todoroki brothers were doing as they held their soba and glared at eachother. Fuyumi would just remind them that it's a Todoroki thing

Other than that Endeavor is still the number one hero while Rei finally got out of the hospital, being taken out by Enji. Everyone can tell that he's trying to be better but the Todoroki brothers still don't forgive him but are willing to try just for their sister

Some people accepted the fact that Dabi was a Todoroki while others denied it not wanting to accept the fact that one of the most wanted villains was Endeavors eldest son of the Todoroki family. Nor did they want to accept the fact that Hawks completely went to the other side showing that he just didn't care about hero society anymore and wanted to make a change. Therefore he became a villain instead

Though some may ask "why did Dabi do all that stuff to Hawks?" or even "Why did he still love Dabi after everything?" that my friends I have no answer for. The only one to know is Keigo himself

As the two start to finally live their lives after what felt like forever I can say that this was one happy ending

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Word count: 430

Well friends looks like that's the end. I know it's short but I just didn't know how to continue this. I hope it was an ok endin tho. I also wanna say that I absolutely LOVED writing a story like this and I'll explain in the next a/n I do like I said I would

I'll also let u all know when my next story is out too. But I rlly hope that u all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know it's not the best though and I apologize I'm just not that good at writing sometimes

Anywho let me stop rambling and actually end this

Any criticism is welcomed with any of the chapters if u have any

And all hate will be ✨deleted✨ since I don't appreciate any kind of hate on my profile

Bye lovelies ✌️🏻❤

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