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Heyo I hope u all are enjoying this so far. Thank u for all the votes and reads as well I rlly appreciate it. Anyway like usual I'll warn u when the abuse starts. Onto the chapter

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

So if someone asked how things are going with Touya and Keigo now? Well that would be an easy answer. Bad. Touya isn't like himself at all and Keigo is taking it everytime so others don't get hurt. Those others are the other members of the League Of Villains. He vowed to protect them and that's exactly what he's doing even though he's getting hurt by his own boyfriend in the process

A lot of people have asked if he was ok and he'd simply answer with an 'Im fine' to not worry people. Why doesn't he just turn Touya in then it would all be over right? Wrong. You see Keigo has tried to escape multiple times but he always got caught. Touya even threatens him to make him not call the others pros and makes him believe he won't hurt him after he did. And like an idiot Keigo believed it

Why don't we see what these two are up to now?

Keigo's POV

I was staring at him. Right into his eyes as I leaned against the door breathing heavily scared for my fucking life. I thought he wouldn't have woken up when he was here. I know he talked about him and everything he did to his family while he was still there but I wasn't thinking. Usually he's a deep sleeper but I guess he fell asleep hours before I even got home

I grabbed onto the door creating claw marks going up like some horror story of some kind. He's getting closer....closer...closer......clo- he's right in front of me now. Looking down at me like I'm below him. Like some kind of wild animal looking at their prey

Starts now

I gasp at the sudden movement of him grabbing onto my neck a bit to hard this time. I couldn't breathe and he knows it but he doesn't care. I feel his hand heat up creating a hand print on my neck but much worse this time. The pain hurts so much. Why won't he let me go. There's no way of getting out of this anymore. He owns me and I'm just the lost puppy he found, easy to mess around with and control for his own selfish needs

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as I realize he kneed me right in my stomach. I claw at his hand but he doesn't take it off and leaves it there. He has one strong grip that's for sure. "Why did you bring him here!" I....he yelled at me he never yells at me. I feel tears start to roll down my face as he grabbed onto my arm and burned me in multiple places

I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I just couldn't. More tears roll down my face as he holds my wrists tight above my head to stop me from clawing at him and burns them both. Even more tears now. I feel him loosen his grip so now I can actually breathe a little bit. My breathing is heavy like it was earlier. "Well? Are you gonna answer me!?" he yelled again but I couldn't hear him to well

My ears are ringing....It's so loud

My head hung low as my eyes were wide with my mouth agap as I see blood drop from my mouth. I didn't know I was spitting up blood. He did it again but this time harder making more blood come out and drip to the floor. My arms fell to my sides and my legs were getting numb

I couldn't stand anymore but I have to I just have to. He makes me look up at him by pulling my hair and I swear I saw someone else in those eyes. This isn't my Touya. This is Dabi. A selfish, cold hearted and angry man. A man who just doesn't care for the ones he hurts even if it's someone he loves

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