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Heyo it's me again how are u guys? Hope ur doin well. I'm very tired tbh haven't slept yet even tho I should but I don't wanna so I'm not. Anyway there isn't gonna be any mentions of abuse in this just a bit of anger? at the end so just enjoy

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

The sun made its way up in the sky as it shown threw everyone's windows waking some up while others stayed asleep. Keigo of course was the one person out of millions who had to wake up since yet again he had hero work today. He woke up to an empty bed today like he did yesterday. He sighed as he opened his curtains and rubbed his eyes as the sunlight hit his face waking him up a bit more

He got up from his bed letting his feet hit the cold floor of his bedroom and made his way to the closet and seeing Dabis jacket next to his hero clothes

He must've come home last night I guess

He thought as he got changed anyway and brushed his hair slipping his gloves on. He made his way to the bathroom and brushed his teeth leaving after he was done. He realized he had a half hour left before he had to leave and sighed with a smile as he took care of his wounds

After he was done he walked out to the living room and seen Dabi on the couch on his phone shirtless. His face heated up a little as he made his way towards his scarred boyfriend. "Hi Touya" he smiled as he got a wave in return

He suddenly got an idea as he walked to the side of the couch and sat down laying his head on Dabis exposed stomach as well as putting his hand on his stomach

Dabi looked down at him with a raised eyebrow but he got lost in his sapphire eyes as the sunlight hit them perfectly. "What?" he heard him say with confusion in his tone "oh nothing just looking at how handsome you are" at this moment Keigo did feel a bit scared as his heartbeat quickened a bit

"Oh? Are you now?" he seen him sit up making Keigo's head go onto his lap as he saw a smile appear on Dabis face. For the first time in forever it was a genuine smile on his face. He got closer to him as he felt his hand on his face rubbing his cheek softly. "I'm so sorry for hurting you songbird" Dabi said quietly as he kissed his forehead

Keigo sighed with a smile as he looked him in the eyes "I love you Keigo. I promise I do" with that he kissed his winged boyfriend gently as Keigo couldn't help but kiss him back

His lips are so soft....so sweet

Before it could get any further he pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair before looking at the clock and seeing he had to leave. "I gotta go I'll see you later yea?" with that he got a simple nod "I'll be here when you get back baby bird" he gave him one last kiss before he got up grabbing his shoes slipping them on and left through the balcony

I hope today will be better than yesterday

He flew through the air not bothering to go to his agency as he just went on patrol like normal letting the wind hit his face as he sat down on a rooftop watching over everyone making sure nothing is happening at this hour

A couple hours later cause I'm lazy rn

Keigo made his way home entering through the door to see Dabi wasn't in his spot anymore so he kicked his shoes off and walked towards the room talons hitting the floor. He went in to see Dabi asleep on his side of the bed. He felt himself smile at the beautiful sight and with that he closed the door walking away

He just stayed in his shirt and pants for now as he didn't want to disturb Dabi by making to much noise. He heard a knock at the door knowing Endeavor was there so he opened the door revealing an angry looking Endeavor though he always looks like that so it doesn't matter

He moved out the way and let him inside closing the door behind him as he watched him take his shoes off. "So I came here to talk to you about how your mission has been going and to also just talk" he nodded and walked over to the couch sitting down as Endeavor did so as well

"Do you want something to drink at all?" he asked "No I'm good. Now should we get started?" he nodded as he and Endeavor talked

An hr later

"So have you found any love interest at all?" he felt himself almost choke as he heard the question come from Endeavors mouth "e-excuse me?" he looked at him with his eyes widened but also with a confused look

I can't tell him I'm dating a villain especially his "dead" son. Just imagine how that would ruin my hero career!

He yelled in his head as he felt himself sweat a bit. "I'm only asking cause you seen very lonely and you could use someone to help around here" he said in his normal stern tone. "I um....I guess but seriously I'm good on that end so don't wo-" he stopped talking as he saw a blue light coming from the corner knowing Dabi is awake and seen his glare

"Weeellll I think it may be time for you to go it was nice talking to you and seeing you but I'll see you on Saturday I'm off tomorrow so I'll see you bye!" he said pushing him out the door and handing him his shoes as he closed the door and locked it breathing a bit heavy at Dabis glare

I'm fucked

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Word count: 1026

Well I hope u all enjoyed. I decided to make this chapter a bit sweet but add the now starting toxic and possessive behavior of Dabi. If u have any suggestions lmk

I hope it was good tho. If u have any criticism it is welcomed and all hate will be deleted

Bye lovelies ✌️🏻❤

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