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Heyoo so I'm runnin out of ideas to continue this story but smth came to mind last night so I hope u enjoy. Onto the chapter!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third person POV

One year later (yea one yr timeskip sue me lol jk anyway)

It's been a whole year since Keigo has seen his lover and he's starting to miss him more and more as the days go by. He was able to stay a hero but got punishment for what he's done. It wasn't spread anywhere so he was safe. Hero's always getting special treatment for the wrongs they've done and he was one of them that got that special treatment

Keigo was rarely at work though. He allowed his depression to get the best of him and stuff has been going so wrong since Touya's been gone. He's glad his family is seeing him and getting to know him better but he can't help feel like something is going to go wrong in a certain amount of time but he doesn't know why

His burns were still on his body since Touya burned him pretty bad. He was still upset they were taking a long time to heal but it's from someone with blue fire. One of the hottest fires out there. Even hotter than Endeavors. He was more upset that Touya did all this to him but he gotten used to it after awhile. It went on for a good while before he was taken away

He would always move his feather he gave Touya to let him know he was there and sometimes he felt him mess with the feather getting him flustered while he was alone or around people but he didn't care he liked it. He liked to know that Touya was still there too and not dead

I miss him so much I can't keep living like this without him. I needed him then and I need him now

I promised I wouldn't let them take him away but they still did..

I failed him and now he's locked away somewhere..

It was all my fault I shouldn't have let them take him..if I was stronger I could've saved him..

I'm sorry Touya..

His thoughts were interrupted when his front door was opened and slammed shut. He got up from his bed and walked to his door looking down the hallway getting a feather sword ready. He heard footsteps just moving throughout his home but it stayed in this one spot in his living room

He stepped out of his room holding his feather tightly out in front of him just in case. He peaked around the corner and seen his beloved. His white hair in front of his face and styled how he always had it, his pants he wore from his villain clothes and his white shirt he had

All he was missing was his jacket to make it all complete. His boots clicked on the floor as Touya paced back and forth looking stressed. Keigo put his feather back in place as he slowly went up to Touya making sure to be quiet as to not startle him but it was a bit hard because of his talons clicking on the floor as he walked

Touya was panicking about something but Keigo didn't know if he was imagining this and if he was actually real so he was gonna find out by hugging him. As Touya walked Keigo grabbed his arm and pulled him close to his body

He felt a little jump from his lover as he looked down at him. Keigo looked up at him his heart fluttering at seeing those beautiful sapphire eyes of his. "Keigo...." he just smiled at him of course his staples pulling at his skin a bit. "Hi Touya..." Keigo put a hand on his face carefully rubbing his scars and running his thumb over the staples making sure to not accidentally pull them out

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