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Hey so like I'm bored and wanna get this moving on so here's Dabis pov from the last chapter

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Dabi/Toya's POV

So today couldn't have gone by any fucking slower. Handy man was taking forever with this meeting just to send us off to find more recruits and when I say us I really mean me. I don't know why he would send me out for more recruits we already have my boyfriend Keigo or as well known around Japan the number 2 winged pro hero Hawks. The man that was considered to fast for anyone even himself sometimes

So why would he want more recruits it's honestly useless. After awhile though the meeting was finally over and I got up from my seat but no one else did. They were just staring at me so I sighed and sat back down knowing there was something handy man or the rest of the league had on their minds. "What is it this time?" I ask and toga was the first to speak up

"Well we've noticed that your behavior has changed a bit and it's leaving us with a lot of questions" I sighed and just rubbed my face a bit "what do you even mean by that?" I ask while I stare at everyone a little clueless. "You've been hanging out with the bird a bit to much Dabi. He's rubbing off on you. Making you soft" handy man said as he scratched at his neck like usual

"And why would you say that exactly? Cause in my defense I fucking hate him. I mean it's obvious to what he's been doing this past year so it makes sense to pretend to be his friend and act 'nice' towards him. I gained his trust and acted like he's gained ours" ok first off it hurt me to say that and secondly I know how Hawks is. He hasn't lied about doing this at all he's completely changed his views and wants to be part of the league for real

Cause at some point he did explain to me that he had a job to do. Meaning he was a spy looking after us and watching our every move and spilling our information to the HPSC but always left out where our location was. At some point though he even said he thought of us like family and was actually happier being part of the league so now we use him as our own spy for the hero's while he leaks information to us and tells us all the details

"I guess that makes sense. But he's our spy so what could go wrong right?" shiggy said as he smiled at me. In all honesty seriously what could go wrong? (a bunch of shit Dabi a bunch of shit) "is that it?" I ask and he nods. Thank god I thought and got up walking out of the meeting room and going to do my task that crusty has given me

1 hour later

I haven't found anyone good. Everyone that came up to me was just useless and wasn't really league materiel so of course I burned them to ash and walked away every time and made sure to not be seen by any pro hero's that were around. I walked back to base and sat down getting a drink from mamagiri. "So find anyone scar face?" I turned and looked at handy man with a glare that told him to fuck off

He just scoffed and turned away. I finished my drink and got up "I'm heading out goodbye!" I yelled as I walked out and made my way towards me and Keigo's shared apartment. As soon as I get to the door I grab out my keys unlocking the door and walking in. "Keigo I'm home!" I said as I waited for a response to see if he was here

I then heard something clicking and realized it was his talons hitting the floor and being met with a hug from my loveable boyfriend. "Hiii I missed you so much" he said and I chuckled petting his head and hearing the most precious chirp come from him

"I'm guessing that a certain baby bird is happy to see me? Am I correct or is there something I'm missing?" I teased and smiled at him as he clung to me like a little kid. "Why yes I do believe there is something my prince charming is missing" he said looking at me with a smile. But prince charming? That's new I like it. I then proceeded to try and take my jacket off but to no avail I wasn't able to since Keigo was still clung to me

"You need to get off real quick sweetheart I can't take my jacket off" I said and all I earned in return was a whine from him as he got off me and watched as I took my jacket and shoes off "I demand cuddles. In bedroom. Now" he said and walked off to our room. He can be a real pain sometimes but he's to precious for anyone to have him. I mean we've been dating for a year now and it goes a long way. I just hope we stay like this

I went to the bathroom and did my business while taking my clothes off and putting them with the dirty clothes leaving me in my underwear. I walk out to our room and enter in closing the door behind me and going to lay down. I lay down next to Keigo and pull him on top of me allowing him to stretch his beautiful red wings out and cuddle him. "I'm tired so if you want take a nap with me" I said as I placed two of my fingers under his chin making him blush a bit and pulling him in for a short kiss

He then just layed his head back down and said "I will. I had a long day and I just wanna sleep now". I nodded in response and watched him close his eyes soon after closing mine. I want everything to stay like this. Him to stay the way he is and just be happy while doing my best to make sure my baby bird is ok and keep him away from any danger that might harm him. I just wanna see him happy and hopefully things will stay that way

Third person POV

Sadly though it won't and things will change for worst at some point

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Word count: 1113

Well there's Dabis pov. Like I said I wanted to have at least 2 or 3 chapters that are soft and sweet before we get to the angsty stuff. I do have to say writing this is gonna be fun but also a bit scary cause ik how it feels to deal with this. Anyway before I go on a rant

I hope u all enjoyed this chapter and we'll get to the stuff soon I'll warn y'all when it comes just in case some off y'all will be sensitive to this topic

Any criticism is welcomed if u have any

Bye lovelies ✌️🏻❤

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