5. Black Heretic

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Kirigan did not call Katya the next day, nor the days after that, so when she finally received his summons a week later it was not without some nerves she walked through the corridors towards his office.

In the past days she had resumed her training with the other Grisha. Unlike before, she was nearly invincible in duels now, which surprised both her and the others. It was unfathomable what difference just two summoning sessions with Aleksander had made; as if he had unlocked a hidden source of power deep within Katya.

However, if she had thought her new skills would make her liked and accepted among them, she was disappointed. Zoya, her first sparring partner, accused Katya of holding back earlier to make her look weak now, and several of the others thought she was cheating with a hidden amplifier somehow.

It was clear Katya could never win, no matter what.

Besides sparring, she had done some thinking. Again and again she had mulled over the conversation with Aleksander at the wishing well, and apart from his anger and secrecy, one thing struck her as very odd. He had said it was 'not this king' who killed Luda. But what other king could it have been?

King Pyotr was over sixty years old, and he had succeeded his father in his twenties. If Aleksander was born then he could only have been a baby, for surely he was not more than forty now? He had not a single white strand in his hair and beard, and no wrinkles. But to have a lover, he must have been a teen at least, and that would make him around the same age as Pyotr or even older. The numbers just didn't add up.

It was clear that Kirigan was hiding something, some secret. Either that, or he had lied – but somehow Katya did not think he was the lying type.

Hoping their meeting today would cast light over it, she entered his room.

This time, Kirigan stood with his back towards her, looking smart in his well-tailored, black kefta. He said nothing as she walked up to him.

"You called for me... General." She had meant to say Aleksander, but stopped herself at the last moment.

"It's time for another training session. Light it." He indicated the same wax candle she had used as ignition before.

Katya did as told. While picking up the tinderbox, she glanced at him, and tried to sound casual as she asked: "How old were you when it happened? With Luda, I mean."

He turned around sharply. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." She struck the steel to produce a spark. On the second try the candle began to burn.

"I told you these meetings would be about your training. No more personal questions."

She observed his face closely. Was he the same age as the king? No. No that was impossible.

Student of the Shadow Summoner // The Darkling (General Kirigan) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now