20. Dominance

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When Katya woke up, it was very early, and very cold. Everything was damp – her blanket, the clothes she had slept in, the canvas of the tent, even her hair. To make matters worse, there was a hard lump under her back; a pine cone perhaps, or a stone.

From Aleksander's breathing, she knew he was awake too.

"I really do hate camping," she lamented, sighing miserably.

"Get used to it, princess." Apparently his surly mood had not improved during the night.

"It's this dampness that's killing me, not the lack of comfort," she huffed indignantly. "I've slept in haystacks countless times and not complained."

"Just slept?" he asked drily.

"Well. That and... other things. Hay is underrated."

"Peasants," he sneered.

His tone was contemptuous in a way Katya didn't like at all. "That was uncalled for," she muttered.

"Then let me make it up to you." Without warning he rolled on top of her, pinning her with his body as he kissed her almost aggressively.

After the initial surprise, Katya responded eagerly, helping him take his shirt off, and then her own. Skin against skin, he started summoning darkness in a thick cloud around them, and as usual the buzz of magic made her faint with desire.

When his lips left hers to travel down her body, her senses turned inward and her breath became uneven. Aleksander always seemed to know what she liked, but this time he really surpassed himself, sparing no effort to please her.

Katya's eyes rolled back in her head, and she soon became oblivious to everything but his divine fingers and tongue.

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A while later they had an early breakfast; it was still in the bleak twilight before dawn, and the forest was almost uncannily silent. No small animals rustled in the underbrush, no birds sang.

When Mal joined them, he looked a bit flustered and seemed very preoccupied with his food.

Katya glanced at Aleksander, feeling her cheeks heat up as she realized the tracker must have heard them earlier. In the heat of the moment, she had quite forgotten how thin the canvas of the tent was, and how well sounds traveled through the quiet woods.

Aleksander, however, looked decidedly smug. "Can you pass me the tea, Katinka sweetie?" he asked, flexing his shoulders. "I'm unusually thirsty this morning, it would seem."

Mal hurried to gulp down the last of his rye bread. "I'll check the vicinity for new tracks. See you later."

When he was out of hearing range, Katya whispered: "Right. Will you explain what that was about?"

Student of the Shadow Summoner // The Darkling (General Kirigan) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now