11. Apprehended

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The floorboard creaked again, and the sound was accompanied by an unpleasant smell. Murky, like an old cellar, and mingled with incense. Then a man in a dark hood and robe detached himself from the shadows and approached Katya.

She recognized him instantly. It was the Apparat, a priest and spiritual advisor to the king, who often came to the library to study. How unlucky that he should be here at this hour! Had he caught Katya and Kirigan in the act? But they had been quiet, and it was dark; hopefully he had not seen anything.

"You're up late, miss," he said. His voice was a hoarse whisper.

"Yeah, I was tired and couldn't sleep." She tried to sound convincing. "But I think I'll go to bed now."

"Ah. The comforts of a bed..." Moving closer, he smiled in a knowing way Katya didn't like at all, and his dark eyes sparkled.

She took a step backwards; the moldy smell emanating from the priest made it hard to breathe. Did he live in a tomb, or what?

The Apparat continued in an even softer voice: "But then, beds are sometimes overrated."

Katya noticed how flushed his cheeks were, and recognized the excited glint in his eyes. He had seen her with Aleksander, and he had clearly liked what he saw. The realization made her feel nauseous.

"I have to go." She tried to move past him, but he blocked her way.

"Why such a hurry?" He licked his yellow teeth. "Let's have a little fun before you go."

"No! Leave me alone."

"I thought you liked being held by a man." He gripped her arm with surprising strength for someone with his narrow frame.

"Take your hands off me!" Katya pulled free.

The Apparat smiled oilily. "So angry. Quite temperamental, aren't you?"

"You'll see just how temperamental I can be when I summon a fireball in your face." She put her fingers together threateningly.

"Do it, and take the consequences for hurting the king's favorite advisor. See how he likes that, eh." He flashed his ugly teeth again.

Katya hesitated. He was right. The king would not be merciful if something happened to his priest. But surely he would not expect her to accept anything without protest?

"Good girl. That's the way." He put his hand on her arm again, cautiously as if she was a nervous filly. "You see, the king has many uses for his Grisha. You are here to serve, in all the ways he sees fit." His fingers trailed up to her shoulder, making her flinch with disgust.

"You are not the king." With quick steps Katya walked out of the library, feeling his eyes on her back.

Thankfully the Apparat didn't follow her when she hurried through the corridors, but she had a strong suspicion this wasn't the last she had seen of that man.

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Aleksander's bedroom was large and decorated in shades of black. He had changed into a black dressing gown, and his bare feet made him seem uncharacteristically vulnerable. Like he was an ordinary man and not the strongest summoner in the world.

As soon as he had shut the door after Katya, he pulled her with him to a massive four poster bed. He bent in to kiss her, but when she only responded halfheartedly he pulled back.

"Anything wrong?"

Katya hesitated. What would Aleksander do to the Apparat if she told him what the man had tried to do with her? Kirigan was not above the king, and though he was a general he was probably not allowed to hurt the priest no more than she. Perhaps it was better if he didn't know?

But then he would expect her to bed him again, and the priest's slimy touch had effectively quenched Katya's desire for such activities.

"I... I'm a bit tired, is all," she mumbled.

He chuckled. "Here I thought I was the one getting old, and already I've worn you out." He stroked her cheek and gave her forehead a peck. "Let's just sleep then. And maybe in the morning I can show you a few more tricks?"

"Yes. I'd love that. Thank you for understanding." Katya's chest constricted with affection. Aleksander was more considerate than she would have expected from a man in his position, so used to giving orders, but despite his obvious lust he had not tried to persuade her.

Crawling under the blankets to lie beside him on his soft sheets, she cuddled close and drew in his now familiar scent. His strong arms around her made her feel safe and protected.

It would work out with the Apparat somehow; it had to. Perhaps she could just avoid the man.

 Perhaps she could just avoid the man

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Will the Apparat be so easily refused? And if not, what can Katya do about it? Feel free to suggest ideas. :)

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