15. Rumors

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A fine, cool mist caressed Katya's face when she crossed the deserted courtyard. It was very early, almost an hour before Combat Practice, but she liked to be there before the others and get some extra practice without an audience. Though her powers had increased dramatically since she began summoning together with Aleksander, she was still not as physically fit as her peers.

A note nailed to the wall caught her attention and she curiously went closer, but when she read the bold letters she drew in a sharp breath and felt heat flood her face.


Furiously Katya ripped down the paper and crumpled it in her hand. The bastard! The disgusting piece of turd! The Apparat clearly was too much of a cowardly wimp to tell people in person, so he had resorted to this.

Well, enough was enough. The crooked-toothed son of a mangy goat would soon learn that he had tried to bully the wrong person.

Resolutely Katya stomped off to the library, only to find the place deserted. Damn. Where the heck did the ugly excuse for a human live?

A maid carrying a bundle of laundry finally directed Katya to the Apparat's quarters. "His room's in the cellars, ma'm. First to the right."

"Cellars? I thought he was popular with the king?"

"He is indeed, ma'm. But such a humble, pieous man, too." The maid got a dreamy look. "He doesn't want luxury and finery for himself, when there are so many who live in poverty. He's not at all like–" She broke off, blushing slightly. "But here I chatter away and forget my chores. Good morning to you, ma'm." With a curtsy, she hurried away.

Frowning, Katya stared after the disappearing girl. Not at all like who? The general? It was true he and the other Grisha lived well, but he had worked hard for it. Perhaps it was difficult for an outsider to understand how much he really did for the Ravkan people.

Then she remembered her errand, and hurried down the cellar stairs. Already outside the Apparat's door she caught faint whiffs of incense. Yep. This was clearly where he lived.

Not bothering to knock, Katya tore at the door, smashing it open with a resounding crash.

The Apparat's narrow room was austere and dark, the naked stone of the floor and walls only lit by a tiny incense candle on a crude altar with pictures of the Saints. The priest had been kneeling in front of it, his bare, dirty feet protruding under the robes – but now he jumped up and swiveled around, gaping at the infuriated Summoner.

Katya didn't care if she interrupted his prayers. Slamming the door behind her to avoid witnesses, she stamped over to him in two long strides and pushed the crumpled note under his nose. "I should have known you'd do something cowardly like this," she hissed icily. "And dragging the general in the dirt too... How dare you?"

Student of the Shadow Summoner // The Darkling (General Kirigan) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now