21. Laika

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It continued to rain all night, but shortly before dawn it finally subsided. The sudden silence woke Katya up. Drowsily she nestled her nose into the crook of Aleksander's neck, enjoying his warmth and scent, the comfort of lying in his arms. She was glad they had settled their little quarrel.

She was on the verge of falling back asleep when an eerie sound made her prick up her ears. The howling of wolves!

Aleksander sat bolt upright, his cheeks flushing with excitement. "It's her!"

Katya smiled widely. "Finally!"

They didn't even have breakfast before leaving. In no time, their gear was packed and the three of them ready to take up the chase.

Again they heard the wolves, and they sounded not far away.

"Run," ordered Aleksander.

They jogged as silently as they could over fallen branches and rocks, but when the surroundings changed into an old oak forest the rustle of leaves was hard to hide. They came to an area with flat, down-trodden patches where the wolves had slept; it was evident the sound of the humans had alerted the pack and they had fled.

"They can't have gotten far," said Mal.

The three hunters continued. Whenever they hesitated where to go next, Mal pointed out the direction; his knack for sensing where the wolves were heading was almost uncanny.

Katya was becoming rather hungry by now, but tried to push it down in the excitement that she might finally find her amplifier. With the wolf – would she be able to summon a sun? And would it make her as long-lived as Aleksander?

Suddenly Mal raised a hand and they slowed down. He rounded a thick trunk and scouted ahead. When he popped his head back a short while later, he grinned excitedly and showed thumbs up. Bingo!

Aleksander took Katya's hand and they joined him as soundlessly as they could.

Then they saw the wolves at last, resting in a wide glade. It was a large pack; at least fifteen animals, with a few that looked like half-grown pups. All of them had dark colors, but one stood out. It was black as night – as Aleksander's shadows.

Laika. The amplifier.

The she-wolf had turned her head and looked in their direction. If she saw them, it didn't seem to scare her.

"She's beautiful," breathed Katya.

Aleksander hummed in agreement, and then made a sign to Mal who slowly raised his rifle.

Katya met Laika's amber eyes and found them strangely intelligent. As if she understood what was happening.

The thought of this noble, ancient animal getting shot like a dumb beast made a chill run through her. Now that she had seen her, it felt wrong. She realized that she didn't want this. Even if it meant losing the amplifier.

Student of the Shadow Summoner // The Darkling (General Kirigan) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now