23. Alina Starkov

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Just like Katya's first impression had implied, Alina Starkov proved to be quite ordinary when her face was revealed to the king, the cortiers and the Grisha. She was not too pretty, nor very tall. But there was something else about her that was intriguing. Despite being in the focus of so many highborn people she stood straight in her simple soldier's garb, seemingly unafraid and calm. She had an inner strength Katya instantly envied.

Aleksander introduced the Sun Summoner to the royal couple in an ominous tone. "She will change the future. Starting now." He moved his hands and darkness began to spread.

As usual, Katya found his shadows pleasant, but by the nervous giggles and collective 'oohs' from the audience she realized they must be a bit frightened.

Bending close to Starkov's ear, Aleksander murmured: "Now call the sun."

When he touched her, a sphere appeared between the girl's hands, dazzling and brilliant like pure daylight. It hurt Katya's eyes and she averted them with a pang of jealousy. This was what a true sun looked like. Her own attempts had never been anything but common fire.

Aleksander beamed. "You were perfect." Then he turned to the other Grisha. "Welcome home, Miss Starkov!"

With cheerful, expectant smiles they met her with open arms, greeting her as one of their own.

Only Katya lingered in the background, her stomach heavy and her throat too tight. She was unable to take her eyes off Aleksander's and the girl's joined hands and his glittering eyes as he looked at her. He wasn't pretending; no one was that good an actor. He was clearly intrigued by Alina Starkov, desiring her – or at least her power.

It made Katya feel like a failure.

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After the demonstration Katya managed to avoid the Sun Summoner for the better part of the time. The girl had her own rooms in the Little Palace and mostly went about in the company of Genya, one of the queen's Tailors. Tailors were a lesser kind of Grisha who had the ability to enhance and beautify a person's features, and it seemed Genya did a great job. The few times Katya saw Starkov – mostly during supper – the girl was now positively glowing with health and loveliness.

Zoya was her normal horrible self, swiftly adding the Sun Summoner to her hate list, and the first time they had combat training together the two got into a fight. Afterwards Zoya was harshly rebuked by their instructor Botkin, but when she stormed away she didn't miss an opportunity to throw a snide remark at Katya in passing: "Why, if it isn't the former favorite! How does it feel to be replaced?"

Katya's blood boiled. Horrible witch! She wanted to throw a scorching fireball into that leering face, but stoically managed to hide her ire and hold her tongue; she refused to give Zoya the satisfaction of thinking her daggers had struck home.

Student of the Shadow Summoner // The Darkling (General Kirigan) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now