💛Chapter 8💜

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"Hey Hanta!"

"Where are you going?"

"Why do you have those bruises?"

"Please don't leave me!"


Sero woke up with cold sweat. He just could not seem to remember that face. It was blurry far far away in his memories. He did want to apologize to this someone for leaving them but he doesn't even know who that person was!

"Hey Serobro! Wow you are awake so early?", Kaminari asked as he walked out of the bathroom with a  towel wrapped around his waist. Sero blushed at the sight a bit but it was for a fraction seconds. No sooner than Sero had went to take a bath, someone knocked at the door. He was Iida. "I hope you both are ready?", he asked in a stern voice. "Calm down Jamal! I am waiting for my bro.",Kaminari replied. "Todoroki will escort you to boss. And I will escort your friend.", he said with weird hand movements. "Woah we are not kids! You don't need to escort us!", Kaminari replied. "Its on you. Do you want the easy way or hard way?", Todoroki asked as he walked inside. "Fineeee.", Kaminari replied with annoyance.

Kaminari was taken to a big room. Files and paper were scattered all over the floor. There was a lilacnette sitting across the table and going through some papers. "Shinsou he is here.", Todoroki said as he left and shut the door of the office. "I assume this is your office?", Kaminari asked curiously. "Use your brain maybe for once",Shinsou replied in a tired voice. "Are you calling me stupid?", Kaminari asked offended. "Yes", Shinsou answered. "Anyways what will you do to Kiri?", Kaminari asked with concern. "Oh that pretty friend of yours?He will be the sniper. But if he fucks up he is dead.", Shinsou replied bluntly. "He is not Petty! And he won't disappoint you!", Kaminari replied slightly with rage this time. "Calm down Kitten~", Shinsou said in a rather deep and seductive tone still going through his papers.

Kaminari felt a light blush appear on his cheeks. "Ughh what am I doing?I can't blush to him. He can just kill me.with that one bullet in his hidden gun I suppose and I am dead. Also I do not like guys...right?", Kaminari was lost in his thoughts when an aem snake around his waist. As he was broken form his trance he saw Shinsou's face only a few centimeters away from him. "Aww is the kitten blushing?", Shinsou teased him. Kaminari pushed Shinsou away and headed for the door. Somehow Kaminari felt suffocated because of that kind of grasp and he felt as if darkness was was taking all over his head and slowly he closed his eyes.

A few hours later Kaminari opened his eyes and jolted out of his bed. He wanted to leave run away run far far away from there. Somehow all his courage and confidence was gone and he felt feeble. "Don't walk. You will hurt yourself.",Shinsou said from behind. Kaminari jumped out of shock. "What are you trying to do to me? Why did you include us in your group? Why didn't you kill us?", Kaminari asked in despair and confusion. It seemed as if he had been putting up a play of being brave and confident when actually he was confused and scared. He needed answers. "I suggest you to rest a bit.", Shinsou said as he headed towards the door. "Shinsou Hitoshi you can't leave me like this! I need answers. Please...", Kaminari yelled as he was slowly fainting again. Shinsou caught him and laid him back on bed.

Shinsou closed the door and headed towards his office. He was met by Todoroki standing at the front of the door. They went inside and closed the door. "Don't tell me you are falling for our target Shinsou.", Todoroki asked Shinsou. "No I am not!",Shinsou answered."You sure?"

"Don't test me Todoroki. I already know we have to kill him now or then. I need my revenge.", Shinsou answered annoyed. "Fine", Todoroki replied bluntly. Little did they know that someone was listening to their conversation and that was none other than Kirishima.

⛓𝕻𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗~⛓💕Where stories live. Discover now