💛Chapter 14💜

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        Side story II:Kiribaku

It had been 2 days since Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were held hostage by Hitoshi Shinsou. Kirishima had somehow unravelled a lot of secrets within those two days. The worst one was knowing that his bestbro was gonna die soon.

That night when Bakugou agreed to help him, surprised him. He did not expect that from the hot head. Now he was waiting for the passwords and just wanted to escape. "OI SHITTY HAIR!", Bakugou shouted breaking Kirishima from his trail of thoughts.

"Hey my hair is not Shitty!",Kirishima's said as he pouted. "Shut up amd wear these. We will go to buy some supplies.", Bakugou said. Kirishima smirked and asked ,"Are you asking me out?"

Bakugou had a faint blush on his cheeks. "WTF! WE ARE JUST GOING TO BUY SUPPLIES. IF YOU SPEAK SHIT I WILL BLOW OFF YOUR FACE!", Bakugou shouted as he left slamming the door behind him.

"Damn I was just joking....", Kirishima thought as he went to wear the clothes given by Bakugou. He wore the clothes and looked at the bathroom mirror,"Damn I look fine. Mr. Blasty as good taste."

As Kirishima was admiring himself, he felt somehow slap him on his back. "Owwww!", he shrieked. "WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG? WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!", Bakugou said as he   dragged Kirishima out of the room.

"So are we driving that Mercedes?",Kirishima asked. "No we are walking.", Bakugou replied. Soon after Kirishima noticed Bakugou's outfit."Aww he is not wearing all black for once. He looks cute with that shirt. And those jeans are tig— bad Kirishima bad Kirishima not manly not manly!", Kiri at this point was slapping himself.

"The hell are you doing?", Bakugou asked in a concerned voice even though it was obvious that he was lowkey weirded out. "Oh um don't mind me haha let's go!", Kirishima said slightly turning into a darker red shade.

The walk to the mall was accompanied by a comfortable silence. Both of them enjoying the silence and secretly each other's presence. "There it is", Bakugou said as he went inside the mall. Kirishima followed him. "So what supplies are we buying?", Kirishima asked. Kirishima the list. As Kirishima read it he cracked up. I thought we were going to buy guns–"

"Shh! Keep quiet!", Bakugou warned him. Kirishima nodded.

"Who needs ten pair of fucking glasses?", Kirishima asked. "Four eyes", Bakugou replied. "Huh?"

"Ugh Iida", Bakugou replied with annoyance. "Oh....and who needs so much um All Might... figures...?", Kirishima asked. "Damn Deku included that too!", Bakugou replied slightly raging. "Nevermind let's go.", Kirishima said as they went to get the 'supplies'.

As Bakugou looked around to get the things he had lost track of Kirishima. He had suddenly realised and looked behind to see Kirishima not there. "THE FUCK WHERE DID HE GO?DID HE RUN AWAY?!", Bakugou thought as he was interrupted by someone tapping on his shoulders.

"Hey Bakubro look what I got you!", Kirishima said as he flashed a bright smile. Bakugou looked behind and his features softened at the sight. "This is for you!!! I won it!", Kirishima said as he handed him a small Teddy bear. "Stupid extra", Bakugou mumbled as he went towards the cashier. "What did I do wrong now...?", Kirishima thought as he followed behind Bakugou.

A while later, they both reached the mansion. They were met by none other than Mina. Mina looked at them and wriggled her eyebrows. Bakugou flipped a middle finger at her and threw the supplies at her and left with Kirishima. Kirishima waved a hi at Mina and left.

⛓𝕻𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗~⛓💕Where stories live. Discover now