💛Chapter 17💜

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It was 8pm and Kaminari did not know what to wear. He would be lying if he told that this whole thing didn't seem suspicious but he within these few days had grown fond of Shinou. He wanted to give him a try. It would probably be his first ever proper date after multiple one night stands.

He had decided to wear a red shirt, a pair of leather pants and he pulled back his hair in a bun leaving a few strands untouched ya know gotta look cool before hoes. At 9pm he had gone to the backyard. It was beautifully decorated with roses everywhere and Shinsou standing at the very end in front of the table with the meals.

Shinsou was wearing a suit as usual but he looked more handsome than ever maybe it was the romantic environment or he had just got hotter. Kaminari had a slight blush on his face as he went to Shinsou. "Someone did a whole lot of preparations I see", Kaminari said. "Only for you kitten",Shinsou said as he pulled out a chair for Kaminari to sit. After they both got seated Shinsou served them wine.

"So this is really a date?",Kaminari asked. "Yes kitten~", Shinsou said with a smirk. "So wanna talk..?",Denki asked. "Talk?",Shinsou asked in confusion. "You know about ourselves clearly we don't know a lot I mean that's what happens in dates or um do you do something else", Kaminari blabbered awkwardly. He was cool but who could keep their calm if a handsome man who also happens to be the mafia is sitting in front of him as a DaTe?!

"Oh sure we can talk.", Shinsou acknowledged him which indeed calmed the blonde. "So um do you like have any hobbies other than uh...",Kaminari asked. "I like trying different coffees and I like cats.",Shinsou said. "Wait you prefer those vicious creatures over loyal dogs? They always scratch my face whenever I pet them.",Kaminari huffed.

"I don't know if it's the cats or just your face. You gotta be careful while handling a cat. They could be mischievous I agree but get on there good side and you are good to go. Also they are fun to cuddle.",Shinsou said confidently assuming he had won the conversation. "So how about your family?", Kaminari asked. "Uh well my dads are currently in New York handling some business. My sister changed schools and went there with them.", Shinsou said. "Aww you have two dads and a sister!Must be a great family...", Kaminari said. "Well it can get troublesome at sometime with Dad and Eri but well you gotta get used to it.",Shinsou said. "Aww Eri must be your younge sister?", Kaminari asked. Shinsou nodded and asked him about his family.

"Well my family is Kiri and Sero", Kaminari said. Shinsou did not seem satisfied with that and wanted to know a bit more. "But what about your parents it's okay if you are uncomfortable...",Shinsou said. Kaminari sighed. "It's okay I am not that uncomfortable around you.", Kaminari said with a genuine smile which made Shinsou blush a bit.

"It was all going so well. I would play hide and seek with my mom while dad would snitch on me and tell mom. Then I would complain and whine and they both would laugh and shower me with kisses. But it didn't last well. My father probably had some debt with a gang. It was at night when my mom was putting me to sleep we heard a huge banging noise. My mom panicked and took me from there and hid in a secret basement of our house. Soon we heard another bang and my mom went out to check it. She came back with blood all over hands. I was too scared to ask her. She ran away with me to the gates at the back of the house. I had caught a sight of my father who was possibly dead by then with blood all over him. Not soon enough those masked men appeared right behind us.....

My mom covered up for me and asked me to leave. I didn't want to but I was forced to. As I was running I heard another bang with which the lifeless body of my mom right before my eyes. I didn't know what to do and I ran like a coward without going back to fight. I hid near a shop and those men gave up after they couldn't find me and went back. After that I never set a foot in my house probably because of the fear of those men appearing again or just the guilt of not being able to save my parents....",Kaminari voice drifted and fainted as he narrated the whole story.

He really did not open upto anyone about his story. Hell he never brought it up at all. He did not like looking back to his dreadful past. But now that he was talking about it he felt a burden being let down his shoulders. The burden suffering alone with his guilt and not being able to share it with anyone. The burden of being scared of men he didn't know about. The burden of brushing it away even when it haunted him till now.

Kaminari had this weird skill of putting up a smile even in serious situations. To people it would seem that everything's a joke to him. But he just loved to smile just to make others feel a bit at ease. It was how he was.

Shinsou looked at him in a way he had never seen the guy look at him. Was it pity? Did he feel sorry? It wasn't necessary. Kaminari didn't need anyone's pity he was doing fine himself but then again why did he tell all this to a complete stranger? Could he really trust him?

His trail of thoughts were broken as he was welcomed with a warm hug. "Hey it's fine. I am here",Shinsou whispered near his ears tracing circles on his back as Kaminari let his tears fall. He had been holding back for a long time. He closed his eyes and leaned on Shinsou as he let his tears fall. The silence had never been so mutual and comfortable both enjoying each other warmth and presence.

Guess who's back? ME. :)

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