arrival at cantobight

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The scene then changes to show the Resistance fleet as the First Order continues to fire at them, but then you see that one of the ships for the Resistance has stopped.

"The main cruiser's still keeping beyond range. But their medical frigate is out of fuel and its shields are down." reported a general in the First Order to Hux.

"The beginning of their end. Destroy it." commanded Hux, as it then shows them firing at the medical frigate destroying the ship, then it shows the inside of the ship.

"That last of our crew has been evacuated and heading your way. It's been an honor, admiral. Goodspeed, rebels!" the commander of the ship tells Holdo as the hologram then disappears as the whole ship is gone along with him. Holdo looks to where the hologram was with a face of shock and sadness.

"My goodness! Can the rebels get a break from all of this? My god!" Anakin shouted with disbelief at the sadness that happened.

"Admiral, fuel reserves at six hours." reported Connix.

"Maintain our current course. Steady on." Holdo said as everyone starts to murmur on what she's thinking, then it shows Poe watching the ship destroyed.

"Finn, Rose, where are you guys?" Poe wonders as he continues to watch. The scene then changes to show the casino where the prison is as a guard is seen gathered to play cards away from the cells. You then can see BB-8 watching the guard as BB-8 wonders where Finn and Rose were.

"Thank goodness! BB-8 can try and help them."' Anakin says with relief when he saw BB-8.

"Finn, the fleet is running on fumes. Without a codebreaker to break us onto Snoke's Star Destroyer..." Finn then slams the cells in anger as he hears what Rose is telling him.

"What do we do?" she asked him.

"I don't know. Unless you got a thief in your pocket, our plan is shot." he tells her.

"Um, I can do it." someone says as the view turns to show someone in the cell with them on the beds, as Rose turns to look at the unknown person.

"What?" she questions.

"Huh." Everyone says in confusion as they see this mysterious man.

"What?" he tells them, Rose and Finn look at each other in confusion.

"What?" she tells him again.

"S-s-sorry, I just couldn't help but overhear all the stuff that you were saying really loudly while I was trying to sleep. Codebreaker? Thief? I can do it." he tells them.

"We're not talking about picking pockets, okay?" Finn tells him as they turn around.

"Yeah. D-D-Don't let the wrapper fool you, friend. Me and the First Order codeage go way back. And, if the price is right, I could break you into old man S-S-Snoke's boudoir." He tells them as Finn and Rose turn to look at him.

"No." Finn says.

"Ya i don't trust this guy, he looks suspicious." Anakin says with a distrusted look.

"We got it covered." Rose tells the guy as they start to sit down.

"Ha-tuk-ga." The strange man says as he starts to walk up to the front of the cell and sticks something into the keypad that opens their cell doors, he then turns to look at them then waves them goodbye as Fiin and Rose stare at him with disbelief.

"Did he just..." Finn questions Rose.

"Yeah." she tells him as they run toward the door of the cell.

"We gotta get out of here! This way!" She tells Finn as they run from their cell.

"You little...'' The guards voices were muffed as BB-8 chirps from tying them up with tape on their mouths, as the strange man from before watches with disbelief of what the droid did to the guards.

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