inside the mega destroyer

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The scene changes to show the Falcon in haperspeed, then it shows the inside of the ship with Rey as she closes a cabinet she turns as she starts to think on what's about to happen.

"As soon as I launch, you jump back out of range. Stay there until you get my signal for where to rendezvous." she tells Chewie and R2-D2 as she gets into a pod and gets it all ready, R2-D2 beeps to her and Chewie growls in response.

"If you see Finn before I do, tell him..." she starts to say but gets interrupted by Chewie growling at her.

"What is she gonna do? I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-wan with hesitation on what's about to happen.

"Yeah, perfect. Tell him that." Chewie nods to her as she holds onto Luke's saber takes a deep breath and slide down into the pod to get ready for what is about to come, Chewie closes the door for the pod, as it gets into position the door to the outside opens and the view zooms to Rey's face as she is calm, before they stop out of haperspeed for the pod that Rey is in to fly out of the Falcon before it takes off again in haperspeed, but the pod with Rey heads to the First Order main ship. As it starts to head there some T-fighters follow her to make sure she doesn't do anything, the pod finally gets inside of the main ship and lands to have stormtroopers waiting for her. The view then shows the inside on the pod to show Rey breathing heavily trying to calm down as the pod turns off the door opens, she gaps in anxious waiting to see what happens, she looks out the window to the side to see who open the door only to see Kylo Ren waiting for her as he watches her from the window, until he finally moves to show two stormtroopers behind him to cuff her.

"What is she trying to do, She's gonna get herself killed in there. How irresponsible is she." (proproble already know who this jeak is) Mace said with irritacion (when isn't he irritated).

"I believe she's trying to bring Kylo back to the light, which I believe she will be able to do." the oh so wisly Obi-wan clarified to Mace. Anakin who was beside Obi-wan turned his head to hide his laughter from them as Mace and Obi-wan had a staring contest.

The scene changes to show the ship that Finn is on stop from lightspeed.

"Cloaking our approach. We should be off their scopes. Then we slice a slit in their shield. Blip bloopity bloop, and slip right through.'' The codebreaker says as he works his magic, as the approach to the main ship it shows the shields of the ship in a monitor with one shield flicker off and on, the attendant on the area taps on it to get it working as the flickering stops and the attendant goes back to work then you see the ship land in a close off area to not be suspicious

"So a stormtrooper and a who now are doing what?" Holdo says as the scene changes to the Resistance.

"They are trying to save us. This is our best chance for escape. You have to give Finn and Rose all the time that you can." Poe tells her.

"You have bet the survival of the Resistance on bad odds and put us all at risk. There's no time now. We have to get clear of the cruiser. Load the transports." she says with anger as she moves to get to work.

"Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that." Por says as he turns to face her and some pilots and generals point their guns at her to stop her.

"-Vice Admiral Holdo, I am relieving you of your command for the survival of this ship, its crew, and the Resistance."

"Great a rebel inside the Resistance, what great timing." Anakin said with sarcasm, as Asoka hit her master's shoulder playfully.

"I hope you understand what you're doing." she tells him.

"Yeah. I'm going to the bridge. If they move, stun them." he tells his helpers as he walks by Holdo. The scene changes to show the ironing facilities in the First Order as Finn and Rose and the codebreaker steal clothes from that area to blend in, Finn brads a trash can and dumps it out so he can put it on BB-8 as a disguise, as they walk BB-8 bumps into people as he can't see well.

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