darkness grows

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The scene changes to show Rey as the cuffs on her were unlocked and falling to the ground.

"Come closer, child. So much strength. Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise." Snoke says as Rey doesn't move a muscle and he grabs the lightsaber from Kylo from the Force.

"skywalker, -" he chuckles.

"- I assumed. Wrongly. Closer, I said." as he said this with the Force he moves Rey closer to him.

"It was like they were meant to be." Anakin chuckles at his joke as others stare at him.

"Really! You joke at this moment, we're about to witness a serious moment and you want to crack a joke." Obi-wan states with disbelief. Anakin sinks into his chair as he realizes his mistake.

"Hey I thought I should lighten the mood with what about to happen." Anakin justifies himself.

'Also is it my fault that I kinda want Kylo and Rey to be together.' He thought to himself.

"You underestimate Skywalker, and Ben Solo, and me. It will be your downfall." she tells him as he continues to bring her forwarded.

"Oh, have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice. Is that why you came?"

Rey doesn't answer him and he starts to laugh.

"Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait. And now, you will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke." he tells her as the view would change from him to Kylo, then Snoke brought Rey closer to put his hand beside her head as he whispers the last part of his speech.

"And I was right, this was a trap. We're doomed cause of her." Shouts Mace in anger.

"But what if Snoke is lying. He could've said this to weaken Rey, we don't know everything and no one can create a bond to two people. It's simply impossible." Obi-wan response to Mace.

"Correct you are Obi-wan, we do not know if he speaks the truth. We must watch and wait to seek answers." Yoda replies to everyone.

"No." Rey tells him firmly.

"Yes." he said before he pushes her back and moves her with the Force as she is stuck in the air and tries to resist him from coming into her mind.

"Give me everything." he tells her slowly as the view changes to Kylo as he watches her from below.

"No! No! No!" he hears her in a frightened voice, but looks away, as the view changes to show Rey with her face showing pain as she finally screams from the pain she is in.

"How horrible! Oh how much pain she has to be in." Asoka fearfully says, while watching Rey. Anakin grabs her hand in sign of comfort.

The scene changed to show Poe gasping as he is woken from his sleep, he looks around to see he is in the pods as he starts to sit up.

"No. No. No. No. No" he says as he runs toward the window to see the Resistance ship in a distance, he slams his hand on the window as he looks down in sadness.

"Poe." Leia shouts from where she is at to him. He sees her as she mosions him to sit beside her.

"Ah i was wondering what happened to them." Anakin sighed in relief.

"So far they look like they're safe." Comment Asoka.

"What is that?" He questions her as you can see a planet close to them.

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