the force beings

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The scene then shows Finn's ship at lightspeed as they finally land outside the plant.

"Okay. We get in, we find this codebreaker, we get out." Rose says to Finn as she starts getting everything ready.

"You know this town? Canto Bight?"

"From stories. It's a terrible place filled with the worst people in the galaxy."

"Great." Finn sys as the scene changes to show inside the planet with elegant people drinking and enjoying the view of the water on a ship, you then see Finn's ship heading toward a beautiful casino. You then see the inside of the casino with music playing and people having fun, then you see Finn looking everywhere excited.

"Ah, yes such a horrible place indeed." Anakin sarcastically.

"Aw, yes! This place is great!" he says, looking at everything with awe, as Rose looks at him with irritacion.

"I believe there is something that she doesn't like about that place, I wonder what it is." Asoka says curiously.

"Okay." she tells him as she follows him through the crowd.

"-Maz said this Master Codebreaker would have a red plom bloom on his lapel. Let's find him and get out of here." she says as she walks away as people around them start looking with weird looks from their clothes. Finn seemed distracted by all the glamour that Rose had to pull him with her to get his attention. We then see a drunk alien trying to put coins into BB-8 as he gets irritated as he sees that BB-8 won't work like the other machines.

Some of the Jedi laughed at the sight of the drunken alien, whereas Anakin was pitying BB-8.

"We've covered this whole casino. Zero red plom blooms. Where is this guy?" as Finn says this they hear a loud sound of dishes clattering.

"Were those what I think they were?" Rose says as she starts to walk outside to look at what's down below, as you can start to hear a crowd cheering as you see animals racing in an arena.

"What are those things?" Question Finn to Rose.

"Fathiers. I've never seen a real one." she says in awe.

"Look, this whole place is beautiful. I mean, come on. Why do you hate it so much?" he tells her.

"Yes, do tell." Anakin says curious.

"Look closer." she tells him as he starts to frown from her serious expression as he goes to some binoculars to look closer.

"My sister and I grew up in a poor mining system." she starts to say as you can see that the riders of the Fathiers are zapping the creatures to go faster.

"-The First Order stripped our ore to finance their military" you then see the animals being whipped.

"-then shelled us to test their weapons." you then see a little boy trying to stop the alien for whipping the animal as the alien starts to yell at the boy close to whipping the boy instead of the animal.

Anakin watches with rising anger as he is reminded of his past.

"How could they! How could they hurt such creatures and try to hurt the boy." Anakin shouted in anger, as Obi-wan rested his hand on Anakin's shoulders to calm him.

"Yes it indeed is injustice, but as we are seeing this we can use this to help the future to prevent all of this. Remember Anakin, this is yet to be set in stone, we can and we Will change what happens in the future." Obi-wan wisely tells Anakin to comfort him, as the other Jedi's nod in agreement to Obi-wan.

"-They took everything we had. And who do you think these people are? There's only one business in the galaxy that'll get you this rich."

"War." Finns says as he looks at her.

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