the resistance continues

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The scene changed to show the outside of the planet Crait, then we see the inside of the planet to show a snowy landscape. Then we see Leia standing by the opening of a barrier as she looks outside to see a spacecraft approaching.

"They're coming, shut the door." She reports into the radio as she walks inside, you see creatures running inside as well for shelter.

"Incoming!" Shouted a Rebel as a ship comes closer to them, shots are being fired at the small aircraft.

"If I'm not wrong I think that's the ship Finn and Rose was on?." Anakin questions the incoming ship being shot at.

"Go! Go! Move! Get that shield door down!" Poe commanded as the small ship landed inside the bunker as the doors fully shut. Everyone then started to fire at the ship, until they spotted two hands up.

"No! Wait, don't shoot! It's us!" Yells Rose.

"Hold your fire!" Poe said as everyone stopped to look to see Finn and Rose stand up from the ship.

"Finn?" Leia questions.

"Finn! Rose! You're not dead! Where's my droid? Buddy! I'm so glad to see you!" Poe smiles as he runs to his droid as Rose looks around to see who was all there.

"Is this all that's left?" She asked Finn, who looked at her. We then see everyone setting up to get to work with old equipment.

"My goodness, that is not a lot of people. Thankfully Finn and Rose were able to make it safe to them." Obi-wan sighed.

"All right, shields are up so they can't hit us from orbit. Use whatever power we've got left to broadcast a distress signal to the Outer Rim." Poe Order everyone.

"Use my personal code. If there are any allies to the Resistance, it's now or never."

"Rose, what do you get?"

"Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half-gutted skim speeders." She reported.

"Well, let's just pray that the big-ass door holds long enough for us to get help." They then heard explosions from outside, from the inside they saw through a pair of binoculars a weapon.

"My goodness, what in the name of the Force is that!" Obi-wan commented after seeing the weapon of the First Order.

"I have no idea what that is, but I'm glad I don't have to fight it yet. I think Obi-wan and I already have enough troubles to take before we can think to take that thing on." Anakin exclaimed.

"A battering ram cannon." Finn reported what he saw.

"A what now?"

"Miniaturized Death Star tech. It'll crack that door open like an egg."

"There has to be a back way out of here, right?" Rose said.

"BB-8, what do you get?"

"BB-8 had analyzed the mine's schematics. This is the only way in or out." C3-PO said as rumbles could be heard.

"Come on, we have allies. People believe in Leia. they'll get our message, they'll come. But we have to buy time. We gotta take out that cannon." Everyone stares at him with hope, the view changes to show some soldier running out of the bunker.

"I sure do hope that they can get help from others, it would be a shame if they didn't." Asoka said anxiously.

"Oh I bet they will come, if not. Well they will have to deal with me, for leaving my daughter stranded on that planet." Anakin said while grinning evilly ( ͡🔥 ㅅ ͡🔥).

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