lesson in the force

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The scene then shows Luke island then it shows his face in a dark room where he made Rey feel the force, the moonlight shines on him as he walks forward to where Rey was sitting on the rock for session one. He is alone as he places his hands on the rock as the wind howls. He closes his eyes to feel the force, behind him where the drawing of a person with balance shows again the water inside of it starts to tremble. The scene then shows Leia on her hospital bed as the machines start to beep rapidly, it shows Lukes face again with deep concentracion then to Leia again.

"Luke." She calls out in her sleep, Luke is then shocked out of his concentracion as his face shows sadness.

"Leia." he whispers as the scene then shows the outside of his island, then it shows Rey walking to meet with Luke when suddenly she stops as she feels the force bond form again.

"I'd rather not do this now." she tells Kylo without looking at him.

"Yeah, me, too." he tells her.

Anakin signed in relief to see that his future was okay, everyone watched with tension as to what would happen in the force bond.

"Why did you hate your father?" as she starts to speak she turns to face him, finally showing how he looks as he turns around to face her showing that he is shirtless making her waver at the end when she was speaking.

"Do you have something, a cowl or something you could put on?" she tells him nervously, but he does nothing in response she sighs knowing he will not do as she please.

"Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer." she tells him again with her voice filled with sadness as Kylo doesn't respond, but steps forward as she continues to talk.

Anakin Roared with laughter seeing how Rey stumbled when seeing Kylo shirtless.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing at a time like this, but it was too funny seeing how awkward Rey is with Kylo at the moment." Anakin defended himself with the looks he was getting from laughing.

"Ah yes, I quite remember how awkward you were from when we had to protect Padme. Since it was a long time since we saw her, you were quite a mess. When we saw her it was quite laughable seeing you act that way." Obi-wan smugly said in memeroires, Anakin tried to hide himself in his chair from the embarrassment as others chuckled at him.

"But on a serious matter, I feel as if we're about to see some important matters right now." Obi-wan says gone with the laughter, the room tense in anticipation.

"-You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you."

"I didn't hate him." he finally tells her with a soft voice.

"Then, why?" she tells him with tears in her eyes.

"Why what?" he tells her as she stays quiet.

"-Why what? Say it."

"Why did you... why did you kill him? I don't understand" she sobs as she asks him.

"No? Your parents threw you away like garbage."

"They didn't"

"They did. But you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere, in Han Solo, now in Skywalker." he tells her as she stays quiet, they stare at each other for a bit until Kylo squirts his eye to judge her.

"Did he tell you what happened that night?" he asks her.

"Yes." she tells him firmly.

"No." he tells her as he continues to stare at her.

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