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Nine years ago.

Alissa and Maggie were walking home from school.

"My father is going to kill me," Alissa says, looking at her report card.

"What's the big deal? B+ is not a bad grade."

"It is to him. Why does history have to be so boring?" Alissa stuffs her report card in her bag.

"Are you serious? Your dad made most of it. Most of the stuff we used to learn was way more boring than what we have now. Before Lucian and The Rating System, I mean."

"I would rather read that than every chapter or lesson being about how great my dad is. He's going to make me a Bronze for this."

"I don't think He's going to be that bad," Maggie says, playing on her phone.

"Says the girl who always gets straight A's."

"If I didn't, dad would make me Unrated. He takes my education very, very seriously. That's what comes with being the Chief of Educations' daughter."

Alissa knows going home right now is probably not the best idea. Still, she knows she can't avoid him forever.

"Hey, why don't we go get something to eat? It will take your mind off this." Maggie says, already looking up restaurants on her phone.

"You're just saying that because you're hungry. Besides, he probably already knows. I don't want to face that music right now."

"I've no idea what you're talking about. My best friend is sad. I'm just trying to cheer her up. Oh! "The Last Strand" has great pasta dishes. Let's go there." Maggie says as She's already making the reservations."

"Will they even let us make a reservation, Mags? We are not eighteen yet."

"That does not matter when it comes to us. I dare them to say no to Alissa Young and Maggie Rose."

"That line is going to get us in trouble one day," Alissa says, getting a weird feeling.

"Well, until that day, let us go eat!"

Alissa and Maggie almost reach the restaurant when Alissas' phone rings.

"Oh no. It's my dad."

"Answer it. Maybe he wants to say hi." Maggie says, trying to be optimistic. They both know that isn't true.

Hesitantly, Alissa picks up the phone. "Hey, dad."

"Alissa, I'm very disappointed in you. B+ in history? Really? Do you know how bad that makes me look?"

Of course, it is about him. It always is.

"Dad I-"

"No excuses. Come home right now. I have already called your tutors. They will be here shortly. I expect you to be as well."

"R-Right, of course, dad. Be right there.

The phone line is disconnected.

"Sorry, Mags. I got to go."

"But my pasta?"

"Has to wait. I'll make it up to you later."

Just as they are about to part ways, an Obsidian car pulls up. The door automatically opens. "Good day Miss. Young. Your father ordered this Obsidian town car for you. He already set the destination for your residence."

After a hug and goodbye, Alissa gets in the car and is shuttled to an afternoon of pure boredom.

The rest of the day was nonstop studying. Drills after drills. It was nothing about the old world. Before The Rating System, nothing else really mattered. They don't want kids, like Alissa, to remember how the world used to be.

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