The Talk

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"Hello, Ms. Wells. Welcome home." Joey said as he sensed them approaching the door.

"Hey, Joey. We need to go up to my apartment for a bit." Zoey says, pointing at Zach.

"Ah, Mr. Wells, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is Joey. I'm an artificial intelligence for the residents of Lucian's upper ranks."

"Whoa. That's cool. What's up, Joey? Wait, how does it know my name?"

"I know everything about you, Mr. Wells."

"That's creepy."

"May I ask you for your ID, Mr. Wells? Your Gold rank ID in particular."

"How did it know I had one?"

"I know-" Joey starts.

"I know everything because I'm creepy. I get it." Zack mocks as he holds up his Gold ID.

"Thank you, Mr. Wells. You both can come in. I already called the elevator."

"Thanks, Joey. See you inside." Zoey says as they go inside.

"So you have two boyfriends? I don't think I can fight an AI."

"Just the one," Zoey says, punching in her apartment number.

"How did that happen anyway?"

Zoey hesitates. "I'll tell you when we get out of earshot of anyone."


The elevator stops, and they walk into Zoey's apartment.

"Wow, so this is what success looks like," Zach says, snooping around.

"You know you could have this too? You're an excellent cook. I can get you in touch with-"

"Save it. Don't want success that bad." Zach says as he sits down on Zoey's bed.

"Why don't you want to be a Gold? Is it because of leaving Hunter?"

"I love Hunt as if he was my brother. He's part of the reason but not all of it. I just never wanted to be a part of this." He sweeps his arm out. "This system is messed up. I mean, look at what it's doing to Hunter. They labeled him a murder without all the facts. I'm the one who should be on that news report. I feel guilty as hell. I mean, did you see the guy? He blew up just now because of this. He just got shot, and now they think he killed Maria. How could I be a part of a shit system that does that? How can you, Zoey?"

Zoey didn't know what to say. She knew the system was corrupt and that President Young made this system to benefit himself. Still, what could she do? If she turned Unrated, what change could she make? How could she fix this messed-up system?

"I needed to be here, Zach. Why did you think I became a lawyer? How can I fix something from the outside? Getting closer to the top means I can find out all the shitty stuff those at the top get away with. How can I expose them if I'm not a part of the system? I want to tear down this system as much as you do. I just am going a different way about it. Don't you think I felt bad about not going with you when this system started? Mom and Dad gave me a choice too. I knew how much you hated me back then for not choosing to go with you. I know that's why we don't talk as much. I know how much you can't stand having a Gold ranking or me sending you money. I hate myself for not choosing you. I'm so sorry, Zach." Zoey says through tears. She didn't mean for all of that to come out. She wishes she could take it back.

Zach hugs his sister. It takes her a second to realize he's crying too. "Don't you ever think I hate you. Ever. I could never do that. You did what you had to do back then and now. I let my feelings get the better of me. I blame myself for pushing you away. Honestly, I thought you hated me." Zach says, trying to laugh.

"No you big dummy," Zoey says, returning the hug.

"Zoey, don't tell the guys I just did that. I would lose my cool guy points."

"Sure. For the record, I think you're a little cool." She says, wiping her face.

"Only a little, huh?" Zach says, wiping his face.

Zoey leaves and starts packing a small bag. Zach sits down, smiling.

"That was very brave, Mr. Wells," Joey interjects.

"NO ONE ASKED YOU!" Zach says. Now with added embarrassment.

Zach looks around her apartment some more. On the walls are law degrees and awards. He sees pictures of Zoey. Some with her and friends. Some with her law firm. Some with Shaun, He takes those down. He even sees one with both of them when they were kids. Zach was holding Zoey as a baby. Even then, he was the star of the show. "Lookin good, kid." He said to himself. He takes a seat back on the bed. "When was the last time I had a moment just to think?" Zach thought to himself. So much has happened, and he has had no breaks. Stumbling into one thing after another. Not that he regrets it. He would honestly do it again. Maybe with a little more style.

He laughs to himself.

"What's so funny?" Zoey asks with a duffle bag around her shoulder. Also, now wearing a light blue tracksuit. She put her hair in a ponytail.

"Oh, just thinking how great I am," Zach says, standing up.

"Doesn't it get tiring being so full of yourself?" Zoey says with a laugh.


"That's what I thought." She sits the bag down as she sits on her bed.

"I thought we were leaving?" Zach says, returning to the bed.

"I never said how Shaun and I met." Zoey looks at the floor.

"Oh, I forgot. So what's the story?"

"Well.." Zoey starts.

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