Road To The Games: Part One

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Hunter got dressed, ate some breakfast, and decided to sit on the front steps of Xavier's home. The outside weather was chilly, with mist in the air. The sun didn't even break through the clouds. Zach and Xavier were still getting ready. Zoey and Shaun were still asleep. Hunter was alone with his thoughts. That's until Alissa and Maggie joined him.

"Morning, ladies. Thought you would still be sleeping." Hunter says, still trying to wake up.

"Hey, Hunter. How are you feeling?" Alissa says, rubbing her eyes.

"Nervous. Scared. But excited with a hint of concern for seasoning."

"I'm sure you will be fine. It can't be that bad if everyone wants to be a part of it." Maggie says with a slight hangover.

"Wish I had your confidence, Maggie," Hunter says, rubbing the back of his head.

"Everyone does." Maggie smiles.

"Seriously, Hunter, Are you ready for this? I've never seen anything about The Games. The only things they show on tv are the scores of each person per round and shots of the opening ceremony. The fact that most of The Rating Games are not shown concerns me. Just be careful, okay?" Alissa says.

"I'll watch out. Xavier made it out, so I think it can't be too bad."

"Xavier was in The Games? Lissa, I decided he's going to be my husband," Maggie says.

"Wow, I didn't know he participated. I'll have to ask him about it," Alissa says.

"Don't bother; he does not remember the experience. Only the opening ceremony, some interviews, then getting his new ranking. I'll admit inside information, no matter how small, is helpful. I know I'm there for information, but I've no idea when I can access that information. I'll keep going till that point," Hunter says.

"At least you have a plan. I won't be sitting on my butt either. While you're off getting information, I'll be looking into my father. When you get back, we can compile our notes, then come up with a plan of attack," Alissa says.

"Lissa, what are you up to?" Maggie asks, narrowing her eyes at the two of them.

Alissa looks over to Hunter, who shrugs. "The more, the merrier," Hunter says.

Alissa goes over the plan with Maggie.

"Are you serious? Lissa! How could you? How could you do this? Without me! I've been waiting for this. Even before Oliver's passing, I had been looking into the whole Rating System. I want to help too. I don't know if she told you, Hunter, but I'm a certified genius. My father is the director of education for all of Lucian city. Oliver and I were drilled every day by teachers. Plus, Oliver wanted to tear down the system too. He never knew when to stop looking. That's what got him killed. Without that, we wouldn't have found out about Ground Zero's impending destruction. We may be able to stop it." Maggie says, standing in front of Alissa and Hunter.

"It's true. The Roses information gathering is top-notch. Maggie knows what She's doing, even hungover," Alissa says as she dodges Maggie's punch.

Hunter laughs, but it feels forced. As he stares across the lawn, he thinks about what he might face. Then he shakes his head. "I've no clue," He says.

"Did you say something, Hunter?" Alissa asks.

"Huh? Nah, just thinking out loud. Where are those guys? Waiting around is not helping."

"Ask, and ye shall receive!" A voice says from the door.

Everyone turns around and sees Zach.

"Sorry about being late. It takes a while to look this good," Zach says, coming down the stairs. "Ladies."

"Goodmorning, Zach," Alissa says.

"Zachary," Maggie says.

"Magnolia," Zach says back.

"Easy, you two, Hunter does not need to see friends fighting," Xavier says from the door. "Morning, ladies."

"Hi, Xavier!" Maggie says.

"Morning," Alissa says.

Xavier gives them a nod. "Ready to leave, boys?"

"Yeah. Ready, Z?" Hunter stands up and throws his bag over his shoulder.

"Yep! See you, ladies, later." Zach winks at Alissa and Maggie.

They both give him a nod. Alissa goes over to Hunter. "Good luck," Alissa tells him with a smile.

"Heh. Thanks. Be careful, okay. Your father is not going to make looking into him easy. If it gets too risky, back off." He gives Maggie a wave and heads to the car with Xavier and Zac.

"Oh! Tell Shaun and Zoey I said bye." Hunter yells from the car.

"Alright!" Alissa shouts back as the car zooms off.

The ride does not take more than an hour. Xavier was driving fast.

"Better to be early," Xavier said.

"So I'm supposed to check-in and get some stuff. They are going to board us at 8 a.m.," Hunter says, looking at his acceptance letter.

"Sounds about right," Xavier says. "Bit of advice, don't come in last for any of the rounds. It will make this easier."

"What happens if I come in last?"

"Don't know. I don't remember. I clearly didn't." Xavier says, pulling up to the station. "Here we are. Sorry, Hunter, I can't get any closer. The parking lot is too crowded."

The station parking lot was packed. Press and participants are just standing around. Expensive cars and shuttles line the parking lot. Music and entertainment are abundant. It is overwhelming. Hunter can make out a sign near the station that says, "Participant Sign-in."

"Looks like that's me. Well, see you guys in a week." Hunter says, getting out of the car.

"Don't get a low score. I won't let you live it down," Zach says, getting out of the car and hugging Hunter. "Be careful, Hunt."

"No." Hunter smiles.

"Remember, don't come in last," Xavier says, giving Hunter a wave.

"I won't," Hunter says, backing up and waving at them as they pull off.

"Alright, time to check-in," Hunter says, walking into the crowd.

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