The Ride: Part Two

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"ZACH!" Zoey runs over to her brother. Who is still unconscious on the floor.

They have been traveling for an hour, halfway through the Gold zone. Shaun examines him.

"He ever done any drugs?" Shaun asks, turning Zach's head to the side.

"No. I've never seen him do any. He says it messes with his mojo. Why?" Hunter says.

"Needle marks on the side of his neck. See?" Shaun says, pointing to the small holes on Zach's neck. "Oh! Here too." Shaun says, turning Zach's arm over. A small needle mark on the middle of his arm.

"Has he been to the doctor recently?" Shaun asks.

"Shaun, I don't monitor him all the time. I don't think so." Hunter says.

"Shaun? What are you saying?" Zoey asks.

"I've not known the guy for but a day. I can't say much about his character. However, he did seem off when I met him. I think he may have been drugged."

"Huh? When would he have been drugged?" Zoey asks.

Shaun shrugs. "All I know is that it had to have happened before the checks. Was he acting weird before that?"

"No, he was alright before the checks. He was having dinner with my mom and me. We watched a movie, and he left before checks started." Hunter says.

"Well, just a thought," Shaun says, sitting back down. "All we can do is wait for him to wake up."

"That's it? We wait?" Hunter asks.

"What do you suggest we do? He's fine besides the whole passing out thing. He does not have a concussion, so we need to wait. Also, don't touch him." Shaun says, crossing his arms.

"You're doing it again, Shaun," Zoey says.

"Huh? Oh." Shaun unfolds his arms. "Need to stop doing that."

With a grunt, Hunter sits back in his seat and stares at Zach.

"Don't worry; he will be fine...Probably." Shaun says.

"Probably?!" Hunter and Zoey say in unison.

"Need to stop saying that," Shaun says to himself.

The Gold Zone was not that much to look at. It was similar to the Silver Zone. Mostly skyscrapers with some lavish mansions sprinkled in. Hunter couldn't understand why people needed huge homes. He got that it was just for the room. However, some of those homes were clearly inhabited by only one person. He understood that it was for status. Hunter wondered what he would do with that much space. Shops and people line the streets of the Gold Zone. A lot of cars are out and about. A lot of the cars are exotic. Hunter has seen pictures of exotic cars before. He wouldn't mind driving one once he gets a license first. This is not possible. Unrated can't own vehicles. They continue going through the last part of the Gold Zone.

Hunter looks out the window, while deep in thought, gets interrupted by Zoey.

"Are you alright, Hunter?" Zoey says.

Hunter snaps out of thought. "Uh, yeah. You?"

"No, not really."

"What's wrong?"

"You almost died. Zach was attacked and possibly drugged. It's been a lot."

"Heh, you're telling me. Yeah, it has been one of the most eventful things that have happened in a while."

"IT'S NOT FUNNY, HUNTER! I've not seen you two in years. Zach calls sure, but finally getting to see you guys again, and it's nearly on death's door." Zoey snaps.

Shaun is asleep. It's only them.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Wait. What do you mean he calls you? He does not have a phone. Unrated can't have one. Well, can't is the phrase. More like can't afford one."

"Well, um, it would be easy for him. He..." Zoey hesitates.


"He's a dual-class. He's Gold too."

"What?" Hunter says, blown away.

"I could guess he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to treat him differently. He does not want it, really! He does not use his Gold ID or the money I send him! I still send it; he refuses, though."

"I can't believe this."

"Hunter? Please don't be mad at him." Zoey says as she walks over and grabs Hunter's hands.

"That cheap bastard! Making me pay for his food. I'll let him have it later." Hunter says, shaking his head.

"Huh?" Zoey asks.

"Please, have you seen his closet? I knew he didn't find those clothes in the trash. I didn't bring it up because he didn't. I didn't know about his bank account." Hunter leans in close to Zoey. "How much?"

Zoey starts to blush. Hunter's so close to her. His blue and green eyes were looking at her. She leans back a little. "I normally try to send about half the credits I get in the settlements from my cases. I've been doing it for at least a year. I doubt he spends any of it. So, he should've close to a million, maybe?"

Hunter turns quickly to Zach. "Wake up, you cheap bastard! I got words!" He says as if Zach can hear him.

"Hunter!" Zoey says, trying not to laugh.

"I'm short a few credits, Hunt. Can you pay for me? My ass." He says in a bad Zach impression.

"I'll make sure he pays you back," Zoey says, laughing.

"Oh, I'll make sure he does," Hunter says, laughing. "Damn, though, it feels weird. He thought he couldn't tell me. I guess I can understand. If I were loaded, I wouldn't want that to get out. I could imagine the looks. Sure he could as well."

"I'm sure you know, Hunter, Zach never wanted to be a part of The Rating System. When our parents joined the system when it was founded, they asked us if we wanted to join. They qualified for Gold rank. We could be too. I thought it was a good idea. I didn't know what I agreed with at the time; Zach did, though. He packed his bags and chose Unrated. I hated myself for not going with him at the time. Could I still have found a way to be a lawyer as an Unrated? Probably not. Bet our parents would disown me if they knew what I thought. They think I wanted to be a lawyer because of the success. No, I want to tear this messed-up system down. Rating Games and all."

"I figured as much. You never seemed to be in it for the money."

"Now, don't get me wrong, the money is nice. It is just not my motivation. Plus, I wouldn't have met Shaun." Zoey says, turning to Shaun, who is still asleep. She grabs Shaun's hand, which jolts him awake.

"Yeah?" Shaun says groggily.

"Oh, nothing, just telling Hunter how great you're." She kisses him on the cheek.

"Hmm, sure," Shaun says, going back to sleep.

"You love him, huh?" Hunter says, smirking.

"Yes, I do." Zoey smiles back.

"AGH!" Zach screams, shooting up from the floor. Making everyone jump.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me? Where are we anyway?" Zach asks.

"The feck is wrong with you? Who wakes up from being unconscious like that?" Shaun says, holding his chest, trying to keep his heart in his chest.

"I was unconscious?" Zach asks. "Oh yeah! I've something to tell you guys."

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