Beginning of The End: Part Two

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The Masked Man pulls the trigger. *click* Then, he burst out laughing.

"Oh man, you should've seen your face. Like I would have gone through so much trouble to kill you like that." The Masked Man sits down. "Come in."

Hunter looks around at everyone. "You guys okay?" Hunter asks.

"Been better," Shaun says.

Hunter walks in and sits down across from The Masked Man.

"I've been waiting years for this moment. I kept asking myself what I would do when I found you? I'm trying so very hard not to leap over this table and rip you apart," Hunter says.

"Well, here I'm. You said you had something you wanted to ask me?"

"What?" Hunter asks.

"Damn, you look just like him. Your father looked at me the same way. I guess he was right. I would see his face again."

Hunter can feel his rage boil inside him. He has the man who killed his family right in front of him.

"He's right fucking there." Hunter thinks.

"Well, Hunter, I'm waiting. Ask your questions."

"Who are you?" Hunter asks.

The Masked Man takes off his mask. Xavier smiles at him.

Hunter didn't realize until he was already in motion. He was already halfway across the table before Xavier got a word out. Hunter could only see red. He kept punching Xavier in the face again and again. Zach tried to help but decided against it. Hunter was too angry.

"We need to go," Zach says to everyone.

"No, stay, please," Xavier says. "It's just about to get good."

Hunter tried to punch him again. Then, he notices the knife sticking out of his side. Xavier pushes Hunter off of him and into the wall.

"What? Too mad to notice me putting my mask back on. I didn't feel a thing. Also.." Xavier takes his gun back out and shoots Zach in the chest.

"ZACH!" Zoey screams, holding her brother.

"Zoey, what happened?" Zach asks, then passes out.

"I didn't hit anything vital. Plus, he was asking for it. Who's next?" Xavier moves his gun to Zoey.

"No!" Shaun says as he gets in front of her.

"Shaun, move, you're ruining this," Xavier says, about to fire again when he notices a sharp pain in his leg.

"Forget about me, asshole?" Hunter growls. "Leave all of you!"

Xavier kicks at Hunter's head, trying to get him to let go. "Let me go!"

Hunter tackles Xavier to the ground and rips the mask off of Xavier's face.

"Why? Why me? Why my family? Why all this bullshit?" Hunter screams in Xavier's face.

Xavier starts laughing.

"WHAT'S SO DAMN FUNNY?!" Hunter yells.

"You. This is what I've been waiting for. This right here. I wanted you to be angry. I wanted you to lose it. Just like I did. Do you want your revenge? Kill me. Kill me right now. I've been building you up for so long, and you never noticed. Everything I've done was all for this. Kill me and avenge your dead parents. Go on, kill me! Do it! Come on! I enjoyed killing them! All of them! If you don't kill me, I'll kill all of your friends. I won't stop with them either. I'll kill everyone who ever knew you. Anyone who's ever said your name. They'll all be dead by morning!" Xavier yells back.

"You won't get the chance. Shaun, my bag; get the box out of it." Hunter yells over his shoulder.

"Okay." Shaun hurries over and grabs the box. He tosses it over to Hunter.

"Pick a color, asshole. They do different things. I can't think of a better way to end you," Hunter says, holding the vials close so Xavier can see.

"Hunter, what's that?" Alissa asks.

"A gift from The Rating Games," Hunter says.

Xavier smiles. "I always liked red."

"Hunter, you know what will happen if you do this, right?" Alissa asks, moving towards Hunter.

"I thought about this for years. I'm tired of this asshole being the only thing I see when I've nightmares. I finally have my shot," Hunter says, holding the dart gun to Xavier's head.

"Hunter, please don't do this. I get this man ruined your life, but you can't take back killing him. You just can't. He was just a tool. He's not the one who you should be angry at," Alissa says, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Hunter. Remember what I said. I'll kill all of them if you don't kill me. One life. That is all it takes," Xavier laughs.

Hunter punches Xavier in the temple. Knocking him out.

"I-I can't do it. I want to. I really want to. I just can't. What's wrong with me?" Hunter says, leaning against the wall.

"Nothing, ya fecker. You have a soul," Shaun says.

"Can someone tie him up or something? I don't think he will stay down for long," Maggie says from the corner.

"Shaun! Zach is bleeding!" Zoey shouts.

Shaun moves slowly towards Zach. "Either he's the luckiest bastard I ever met, or Xavier's a shite shot. He really didn't shoot anything vital. Magnolia, do you have a medkit or something?"

"I think so. I'll look around. Lissa, help me?"

"Yeah, sure," Alissa says as she and Maggie leave the room.

Hunter looks at Xavier's unconscious body. "I can't believe this guy was what I was looking for. He was right in front of me the whole time. Lucian, I feel stupid."

"He played us all. You aren't the only one," Zoey said. "If it is worth anything, I'm glad you didn't go too far. You kept your promise." She smiles at him.

"I guess I did," Hunter says.

Hunter takes Xavier's weapons and ties him to a chair. "That should do it."

"You sure that will hold him? He's quite skilled," Maggie asked, holding a medkit. "Here you go, Shaun."

Shaun nodes and gets to work on Zach.

"Don't worry, I'm not letting him go this time," Hunter says, not taking his eyes off of Xavier.

"Nowhere to go this time. I'll get answers." Hunter says, holding Xavier's gun and aiming it at him.

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