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"Good one, dad. Way to distance yourself from a possible scandal." Alissa says, turning off the news.

After the incident at Club Ambition, Alissa and Maggie took separate cars to their homes. Alissa's apartment was not too far from Maggies, but Chief Walker thought it best to go in different cars due to what happened. To avoid attention. Aliisa lived in one of the most expensive apartments in all of Lucian. President Young wanted her to be comfortable and very well protected. The Heights were the name of the apartments. It was in a gated community block. Rows of smaller luxury apartments lined the streets. Hers couldn't be missed. It was like a hotel. Around-the-clock security, valet service, a five-star restaurant in the building, and an Olympic swimming pool! Alissa got used to it. She lived in the penthouse. She would go through so much security, That sometimes she questioned herself if she was allowed in her apartment.

Going through the lobby, some residents were crowded around one of the flat screens. Alissa could hear; "Wonder if he did it?" "No way one guy could take down that many people, even if they were Silver Guard." "Damn, even his mother? Unrated are seriously brutal."

Alissa looks at the screen too. An Unrated is displayed on the monitor. He looks young and has two different colored eyes. "Weird but cool," Alissa said to herself. The news reporter says his name is Hunter Carter. Alissa thought he didn't look like a killer. Though looks could be deceiving, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about how they presented him.

Alissa kept walking to the elevator. "Hello, Miss. Young! Would you like to go to your floor?" The monitor on the elevator asked.


"Yes, ma'am. I am calling it now. Due to recent events, we ask if you wouldn't mind scanning your ID card. Please present it in front of the scanner." it says as a red light appears on the bottom of the screen.

Alissa pulled out her ID, and with a beep, the elevator door opened.

"Thank you, Miss. Young. Please enter."

Alissa enters, and the Unrated's face still could be seen on screen. It felt like he was staring at her as the doors closed. One quick elevator ride later, she arrives at her floor. Yes, an entire floor just for her. Well, the whole floor was a bit much. It was more like a long hallway to her actual apartment. A security guard was waiting in the hallway. "Good evening Miss. Young. Glad to see you made it home safe." She says, keying in a code into a panel on the wall.

"Thank you, Karen. It has been a long night already."

"I'd say. Your schedule always seems busy." Karen says as Alissa's door materializes at the end of the hallway. "There you're. Anything else I can help you with, Miss. Young?" Karen asks as the keypad goes back into the wall.

"No, I'm good. Thank you. Have a goodnight."

"You as well," Karen says as Alissa goes inside.

Alissa didn't mind Karen being there. One last line of defense. Karen was an ex-Obsidian Guard. She was a highly decorated officer. When given a chance to guard the President's daughter, she jumped at the opportunity. No greater honor she claimed at the time. Alissa wondered if she actually liked doing it?

Alissa's apartment was enormous. It had everything anyone could want. More than she thought she needed. She took off her coat and walked into the main hall. "I just want to shower and go to bed." She says out loud.

"Welcome home, Miss. Young. I heard what happened from the news reports. I figured you were the "Young Lady" that was assaulted? I'm so sorry." A voice comes through the monitor in the wall.

"Nothing gets past you, huh, Joey?" Alissa says to the AI.

"Some things but none concerning you," Joey says.

"That's creepy," Alissa says, joking.

"It is my job. Creepy as it may be. Shall I get a shower started for you?"

"Yes, please."

"Will do," Joey says, displaying Alissa's shower preferences.

"Hey, Joey, please turn on the tv," Alissa asks, sitting on the couch.

"Anything in particular?"

Alissa thought about it for a moment. "News." She decides.

"At once," Joey says as he turns the channel to the local news.

There it is again. Hunter Carter's face. "Joey, do you think this guy really killed those people?"

"I can't say. I've searched police records, and Mr. Carter does not have any previous records."

"No records, huh?"

It displays Hunter's information at the bottom of the screen; Hunter Carter, Age: 24, Height 6'1, Rating: Unrated, Last seen: Ground Zero. The reward for information on the location of the suspect: 30,000 credits.

He didn't look bad. He was kind of cute. "Maybe I shouldn't think that," Alissa said.

"Think what, Miss. Young?" Joey asked.

"N-NOTHING!" Alissa quickly said louder than she meant to.

"Mm-hmm," Joey said.

"I didn't know AI had a built-in attitude," Alissa says, embarrassed.

"Not all, but I do."

"Turn it off. Call Maggie for me."

"Yes, Miss. Young," Joey says, dialing Maggie's number.

"About time you called!" Maggie said before Alissa could say hello.

"You know phones work both ways, right?" Alissa commented.

"Well, duh. I've been trying to get a hold of you."

Alissa looked at her phone. Twelve missed calls from Maggie. Oops.

"Sorry, I didn't notice."

"Uh-huh. Did you see the news? They know who killed those people." Maggie says.

"You mean Hunter Carter?"

"I guess? Anyway, it sucks he killed those people."

"I don't think he did. It seems unlikely." Alissa says, unconvinced.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. He's too hot to be a killer." Maggie says.

"That aside. I thought you thought he was the killer."

"I've my doubts. He does not even have a record. Unrated records are public knowledge. couldn't find anything on the guy."

"Your shower is at optimal temperature Miss. Young," Joey says.

"Hi, Joey!" Maggie adds

"Hello, Miss. Rose."

"Joey, were you listening! How rude," Maggie jokes.

"Yes, well, I'm always listening, Miss. Rose."

"See, Joey, this is why people find you creepy," Alissa says. "I'll talk to you later, Mags. Shower time."

"Alright, I'll let you know if I hear anything else."

"About what?"

"About Hunter Carter, duh. I like investigating stuff. I don't know if you know this, but I'm brilliant. Finding info is what I do best." Maggie says as she disconnects the line.

Alissa gets into the shower. She lets the water run down her face. "Hunter Carter. Why do I have a feeling this is not the last time I'm going to hear that name?"

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