6 days later...

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In these last six days...you've been going to school with peter and Ned and mj...and you've actually been spending a lot of time with loki and Sam...you have also been sneaking out at like 3am with bucky and Sam to go and get ice cream from the shop and you accidentally set the compound alarm off and woke everyone up...you've also been getting very aggressive...One day you had threw a spoon at thors head what left a bruise...On another day you had and Peter had a good fight with eachother and had a fight at school with a girl..you won obviously😂

Also today your dad is coming back home which you forget about while your in school...
Your in a class just before lunch
A teacher comes to your class asking for you..
You grab your bag and go outside the class room
"Someone is at front reception for you"-the teacher
"Okay thank you"-y/n
You walk to reception and see your dad and Nat and he has his made face on...
"I forget you were coming back"-y/n
(Btw you still have a bandage on your hand from the speed thing you did)
He grabs your hand
"This big?"-Steve
"Steve leave it"-Nat
"I guess your taking me home"-y/n
"Yeah car outside now"-Steve
You get in the car
"Why are u so moody for"-y/n
"Because y/n I've came back from my honeymoon and I've got told things by Tony and the rest of the team"-Steve
"Was it about the drugs?"-Y/n
"I'm just joking"-you laugh
"Why have you been playing up since I left...poor Thor has a bruise because you threw at a spoon at him and you Who did you through a yogurt on?"-Steve
"You mean a food fight?"-Nat
"Yes a food fight"-Steve
"That was awesome I started throwing yogurts at him first then he threw his Dino nuggets at me...it was awesome"-
You say with excitement
"Not now y/n..."-Nat smiles
"And why have you been sneaking out? With Sam and Bucky at 3am?"-Steve
"Ice cream was calling my name from the shop"-y/n
He scoffs and drives off..
Soon you both get to the compound and say to your dad...
"Yes y/n.."-Steve
"I'm pregnant"-y/n
He stops and stares at you
"What the heck y/n YOUR 18 NOT 21"-Steve
You click and in your palm appears the baby scan photos what you found in his bed side draw
He notices
"So you've been snooping too...that's private"-Steve
"When was you gonna tell me? Is it yours and Nats?"-y/n
"Yeah she found out a month or two after you left.."-Steve
"So good job on telling your daughter she's gonna have a new sibling what is probably gonna get all the attention"-y/n
"Y/n Wait your not letting me finish...the baby died a couple days after the scan"-Steve
You've never seen your dad cry before...
You go up and hug him...
"I'm sorry that I lash out at you all the time...it's because I'm having a very hard time atm"-y/n
"It's alright it's just that I don't want to loose you too"-Steve
"I'm not going anywhere so don't think about it"-y/n
You pull away
"Come on let's get inside..."-y/n
You walk wit your dad inside and buckys at the front door on his phone
He gives you a kiss as you walk past...
You mouth
"I need too speak to you later"
"Okay"-he mouths back
You walk into the kitchen and start talking to loki and Sam about your dads holiday
"We was having fun some nights in our hut...if you know what I mean"-Steve
He smiles
You realise
"ewwww didn't need to know that"-Y/n
"Okay off subject"-Loki
"I think I've got graduation soon I'm not sure"-y/n
"Have you got a speech ready"-Sam
"Yeah but nobody is gonna read it I'll graduation"-y/n
"Good ideA"-Loki
"And I'm also thinking about moving back home after graduation for a bit"-y/n
Your dad looks at you..
"What do you think?"-y/n
"Yeah I think it will be good for you...you could even take bucky with you"-Steve
"Oh yeah that would be amazing..."-y/n
Nat comes in
"We've got training again later...Tony's orders"-Nat
"Oh myyyyy"-y/n
You frown
Your thinking about skipping it
"And if we try to get out of it in any possible way we have a full week of training"-Nat
"Guess not"-y/n
"Well I'm gonna start warming up then"-Steve and Sam
"Don't you think it's disgusting with all the sweaty boys running around outside and watching Nat fangirling over my dad..."-y/n
You say as you look at loki
"And you don't do that over Bucky..y/n I've heard it all in the shower I think it was the night before your dads wedding"-loki
You go red
Then Bucky walks in
"Are you blushing doll?"-Bucky
"Actually I shall call it simping"-loki
You smile
"He's my lover what do you expect not too have fun with eachother...and well at least I've got someone to do it with"-you smirk and you was walk out of the kitchen...
"She got me there"-loki
Bucky and loki laugh...

(This is kinda a short one but the next part will be coming on the 7th of may maybe around 5-8pm between that time and I'm thinking of new stuff of what I can put in)

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