Harrison runs away with Avery!

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Your fast asleep...the kids are sleeping at grandpas..Buckys next to you with his arm around you fast asleep..until your phone rings
You wake up and answer it
"You best have a good reason why your waking me up at 2 am?"-y/n
"Harrison isn't in his bed! All of his clothes are gone"-steve
"I'm coming now"-y/n
You end the phone
"Bucky wake up"-y/n
"What's up"-bucky
"Harrison is gone"-y/n
You both get up and grab your car keys
You speed to your dad's house
You walk inside
"Where is he? Did you lock all the doors!"-y/n
"We was still awake down stairs watching movies"-nat
"What if he left to meet Avery?"-bucky
"Who's Avery?"-steve
"It's his girlfriend"-y/n
"So his clothes and everything has gone!"-bucky
"And my wallet was empty too"-steve
"Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?"-nat
"He's ran away!"-y/n
You start to panick...
"Well we cant call the police until it's been 24 hours to file a missing person"-nat
You sigh
"But why would he want to run away for? He has a perfect life and gets what he wants"-bucky
"I'm going to kill Avery when I see her"-y/n
You get up and head for the front door
"Where are you going?"-bucky
"To fuck with Averys parents"-y/n
"You two go with her I'll stay with the kids"-bucky
Nat and Steve run to the car and you speed off to Averys house
"Stop speeding like that where gonna get pulled over"-steve
You get to Avery parents house
You start banging on the door
"Open the fuck up"-y/n
You hear someone shout who is it?
"I'm the person who's gonna gut you like a fish of you don't open this fucking door"-you shout back
You hear the locks unlock and the door opens
"Where the fuck is your daughter?"-y/n
"She's in bed asleep"-the mum
"If I was you go check"-y/n
The dad goes and checks
"Who are you anyways"-the mum
"Harrisons mum you know who I am?"-y/n
She nods
The dad comes back down to the door
"She's not there all of her clothes are gone"-dad
"Your daughter has ran off with my son now I want you to call your skanky daughter of urs to see where she is"-y/n
"My daughter wouldn't do something like that!"-the dad
"I've heard shes done it a couple of times"-y/n
The mum calls Avery and she picks up
You rag the phone off her
"Hi Avery if you don't tell me where your taking my son I'm gonna kill your parents"-y/n
"Please Avery"-the mum
"We're on the high way"-avery
You smash the phone on the floor
"I am not finished with you two"-y/n
You get back in the car and speed up to the highway
Steve and nat are on the look out while your driving..
"Found them"-nat
You stop the car and get out...
you reach them..
"Mom she made me I didn't want to go"-harrison
He hugs you
You pass him to Steve
"Your so lucky I'm not killing you right now"-y/n
You take him back to the car...
"What about her we can't leave her here!"-harrison
"She can walk home"-y/n
You put your middle finger up at her and speed off back to Steve's and nats...
Harrison runs and hugs his dad...
Steve and nat go and get harley and Brooklyn
You put your head back and sigh...
Bucky comes over and hugs you
"He's back now"-bucky
"I need a break from all this"-y/n
"I know darling"-bucky
"Mum dad"-brooklyn
"We're here Hun"-y/n
She comes and hugs you
"Yeah we missed you too love"-bucky

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