a couple days later

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Your sat in your office working..early in the morning..your on a work call and you feel like your gonna be sick...
"Hey can I call you back something came up a family emergency ill get back to you as soon as I can"-y/n
You end the phone and you run to your bin and be sick
You grab a tissue and wipe your mouth
You go to buckys office..
"Can you tell Robert that my bin needs taking out..I've been sick again"-y/n
"Yeah I'll ring him up now...isn't that your third day in a row now? Maybe you need to go to the doctors something might be up?"-bucky
"I will later"-y/n
You walk over to Bucky..you climb onto his lap and hug him
"I feel so drained..all I need is you right now!"-y/n
You kick your heels off and cuddle in his chest
"You stay right there while I finish up my work"-bucky
It goes silent for a while and you think
"What if I'm pregnant?"-y/n
You look up at him
"We stopped at three kids! There's no more kids we can't handle them all"-bucky
"Yeah I know that..Brooklyn and Harley never leave my side expect when I go work..and Harrison just does his own thing"-y/n
"Exactly but if we have another kid it would probably be attached to you more and I'm not getting any love well I am but not as much as your getting"-bucky
"But what if I am pregnant what am I gonna do?"-y/n
"Well we will keep it!"-bucky
"But we can't handle them all"-y/n
"We can find out a way my love"-he smiles
He kisses your forehead and pushes your head back from on his chest and cuddles you...
You then knew you wanted like 8 more babies with this man....
You end up falling asleep for a bit on his chest but you find yourself on his office couch when you wake up..
"Sleeping beauty is finally awake! How did you sleep?"-bucky
"It was okay.."-y/n
"The time is 3:17pm if you was gonna ask..Harrison has just came home from football practice and Harleys babysitter just left as Harrison got home"-bucky
"What about Brooklyn?"-y/n
"She went to her friend's house..you know Josh and Victoria's daughter?"-bucky
"Mhm she likes being at that house"-y/n
"Also I'm working late tonight like very late!"-bucky
"How late are we talking?"-y/n
"I won't be back until 2/3am!"-bucky
"Why? That's later than usual!"-y/n
"I've got late night meetings over the phone in a  different country so the time difference is late for here"-bucky
"Ohh uhh but please don't be out any later"-y/n
You get up and grab your heels off the floor
"I'm heading home early I'll see you when you get home!"-y/n
You kiss his cheek
"I'll be back before 2 if not 3!"-bucky
You smile and walk out of his office
All you think is that is he cheating??
You brush the thought off
You get in your car and drive home..
You open your front door
"Boys I'm home"-y/n
You walk into the living room to see Harrison with Harley watching TV
"Where's dad? How come he's not at home?"-,Harrison
"He's working till around 2/3 am"-y/n
"Since dad's not here can my friends come round?"-harrison
"Sure..I'm inviting auntie Wanda and nat round and I'm guessing she will bring the twins"-y/n
"Yeah that's fine and Josh and Victoria are dropping Brooklyn off at home soon"-harrison
He goes upstairs probably to text his friends
You get your phone and invite Wanda and nat around and they are coming in around 15 minutes..which gives you time to fix your makeup and hair and clean up a bit...
15 minutes later they arrive...
You welcome them in and then Harrisons friends step on the porch
"Hi you must be Harrisons sister is he here?"-one of the boys
You giggle
"Actually I'm his mum thank you and yeah he's on his way down"-y/n
Wanda and nat are sat in the living room with Brooklyn and harley and the twins..
Harrison comes down
"Thanks mom..guys come inside"-harrison
You walk away and you hear them say
"You've got a hot mom"
You laugh to yourself
You sit down in the living room and start taking
"So Bucky is working till 3 in the morning and I'm not happy at all"-y/n
"Ouchhh is he not cheating!?"-wanda
"Exactly that's what I thought but he's not like that"-y/n
"God knows then"-nat
"And I've been having morning sickness for the last couple of days and I hope I'm not pregnant..baby no.4 is not what I want right now!"-you laugh
"Take a test just to be sure"-wanda
"I'll take it later"-y/n
Brooklyn is on her iPad with the twins by each of her side watching her play her game and harley is playing with his toys..
Harrison and his friends come downstairs
"Mum can I have some money?"-harrison
"What for hun?"-y/n
"So we can go too the local shop"-harrison
You sigh
"How much?"-y/n
He goes quiet
"30 dollars"-harrison
"Pass me my purse"-y/n
All of his friends smile
He goes and gets your purse
You pull loads of money out of your purse
"Where did you get all that from"-wanda
"I work for it,"-you laugh
You give hike thirty bucks
"No more money today you've had too much"-y/n
"Yeah that's not s problem thank you,"-harrison
All of his friends say thank you too
And they run off

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