The surprise...

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Your wAlking through the town centre going past and into shops...getting Harrison's Christmas presents....And some of the teams presents...and you've got like 5 bags on you right now and like ten bags back in your car...
When it comes to Christmas shopping
You go crazy
You wanna make everything perfect...
Harrison is at school like always and it's coming to the Christmas holidays soon...which he is super happy about...
Bucky is out of town today for a business trip but he will be back later on tonight...
Actually talking about Bucky
He's calling you
You pick up
"Hey everything okay?"-y/n
"Yes everything's fine...I'm guessing you've gone overboard"-Bucky
(Your in a toy shop looking)
"You know me so well"-y/n
"Well tonight when I'm back I'm gonna bring your present home...because I didn't do like a couple days back"-bucky
"Ooo I'm excited"-y/n
"And don't forget to pick up Harrison in a hour...and I promised him ice cream so can you take him?"-bucky
"Yeah I kinda need some too"-y/n
You suddenly get a feeling that your gonna be sick..
"I'm gonna be sick"-y/n
You run out the shop and be sick outside beside the shop
"Are you Alright?"-bucky
"Yeah I'm fine...I'll see you tonight"-y/
You end the phone and slip it in your pocket...
For the rest of the journey home you feel sick...
Then you start thinking stuff...
Am I pregnant
Noooo I can't be
I actually am cause we did it recently
And I don't think he used protection soooo
You could be pregnant 🤰🏻

You get out of the car and go put the bags away in your room and you hide do stuff around the house like it's time to pick up Harrison...
As you normally do
You get in your car
Drive off to the school
Pick him up
And take him for ice cream...
You sit in the shop...
"Did you have a good day at school?"-y/n
"Yeah it was amazing mum....we did maths...English(literacy) and we did baking in the afternoon"-Harrison
"That sounds you know how Christmas is like 2-3 months away?"-y/n
"Is there anyone you wanna get presents your friends or a teacher cause I'll take you to buy them a Christmas present"-y/n
"Yeah my girlfriend!"-Harrison
"Wait you have a girlfriend...what's her name"-y/n
"Well Harrison you better not be kissing her all the time"-y/n
"I did today after school...a goodbye kiss"-Harrison
"Awww tooo cute"-you laugh
You carry your ice cream back to the car and eat on the way...
As you get inside your house...
"Hey buddy.."-y/n
"Yeah mum"-Harrison
"You go on up to your room...I just need to make a few phone calls"-y/n
He goes up to his room and you start making calls...
You have five calls...
And then your front door opens...
And it's bucky
"My love where are you?"-bucky
"In the kitchen"-y/n
You go up to him
"Your surprise is outside"-bucky
"Ooo I wonder what it is"-y/n
You go to front door and see a white jeep with a big bow on it..
"No that mine?"-y/n
" you like it?"-bucky
" didn't have to go do this!"-y/n
"Well i did.."-bucky
You go and kiss him...
He wraps his hand around your waist...
You pull away
"I absolutely love it...thank you..this is why I love you"-y/n
You hug him
"I'm glad you like it"-Bucky
"I can't wait to drive it too work tomorrow"-you smile
Harrison comes outside
"Hey buddy"-Bucky
They hug eachother
"Is that mommy's new car?"-Harrison
"Daddy bought it her because of all the hard work she's been doing"-Bucky
"Cool...can you take time to school in it tomorrow?"-Harrison
"Yes I will"-y/n
You three have a bit of a laugh and talk for a bit more than go inside and go bed..

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