the argument!

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There is kinda a lot of swearing in this one!!!
I think...

Later on that night...everyone went home..expect that one of Harrisons friends is sleeping over so they're playing video games upstairs..
It's around 11pm and it's Brooklyn's and Harleys bedtime
But because Harrison has a friend round he can go bed whenever he wants
You get Brooklyn changed and you make her a drink before bed what she drinks in the living room while watching TV and your getting harley changed and dressed and you make his bottle what he did drink tonight...
Once they were finished took Brooklyn up to bed
"Goodnight baby..sleep well"-y/n
You turn her night light on and close her door
You go into Harrisons room
"Okay so ive just put your sister to sleep so please be a bit quiet..."-y/n
"Yeah we will mum don't worry"-harrison
"Is there anything you need? Like drinks or something to eat?"-y/n
"Uhh we will be down in a minute to get something"-harrison
You smile and close the door
You go back downstairs and put harley in this like chair thing what you can sleep put blankets on him and he falls asleep
You haven't changed since you got back from work and you even haven't took your heels off
You pour a glass of red wine and go sit on the couch..
The boys come down and get some snacks and drinks and then they go back upstairs

5 hours go by...
It's now 4 am and you stayed up until Bucky came home and he said he would be back before 2/3 but he didnt
Your really pissed off at him
Then the front door opens and it's him
He walks into the living room with his hair messy and his tie untied
"I thought you would be asleep by now?"-bucky
He sees the two bottles of wine on the table
"Is that the $150 bottle of wines what I got?"-bucky
You look up at him
"It's 4 am james! Are you out of your fucking mind?"-y/n
"I haven't heard you call me James in ages"-bucky
"I have had my house full of kids..and three adults including me since I got back..I am so tired James! You said you wouldn't be out later than 2/3 am I've got three kids asleep upstairs and one next to me!, What the fuck do you think your doing coming back at this time?"-y/n
"I have a job y/n! Your not that don't always have to come first"-bucky
Your eyes widen
"James! Im your wife! I've birthed three of your kids..we work together..we are basically made for eachother or have you just became bored of seeing the same girl everyday and just want to cheat on me?"-y/n
"Cheat on you? Where is that fucking coming from?"-bucky
"You never work this late! Working this late is every man's excuse so they can cheat on their wives!"-y/n
"Cheat on their wives? That's not me y/n..why are you being like this!"-bucky
"Your used to this aren't you? Leaving me by myself with the kids..struggling"-y/n
He's confused you can see it in his face
And your like kinda drunk so yh
"Y/n your drunk!"-bucky
He picks up the bottles and they're both empty
"I'm not drunk"-y/n
"You've had two full bottles of expensive wine! You can't say your drunk! You've got a baby in the same room as you! How can you take care of the baby when your drinking alcohol"-bucky
A test appears in your eyes
"Get out!"-you shout
"I said get out!"-y/n
You start pushing him to the front door
You open the front door and push him out
"Don't think I'm letting you back in"-y/n
"Y/n why are you doing this"-bucky
You slam the door in his face and lock it
You hear him shout
"I'm not leaving until you let me in! I'll wait all night if I have too"
You ignore him
You go upstairs to check if the kids are fine and they're fast asleep...
You go back downstairs and sit with harley while he sleeps
An hour goes by
And there's a knock on the door
You go to the door
"Who is it?"-y/n
"It's me I'm with nat can you open the door?"-wanda
You open it too see nat and Wanda and Bucky sat in his car
You rush them inside and lock the door
"Bucky called us and told us what happened...are you alright?,"-nat
"No I'm not.."-y/n
They see the two empty wine bottles in the living room
"Y/n your Drunk aren't you?"-wanda
"Yes I think I am but don't tell Bucky please he's said so!e hurtful things tonight and I don't want to know him anymore!"-y/n
You start crying
And then Harley starts crying
"I'll sort him out"-wanda
She goes into the living room
Nat picks up your hands and hold them both
"Listen to me y/ don't mean anything what you have said tonight about Bucky because you love him so much deep down..when we was all living in the compound when you was was deep in love and everyone could see it..your dad use to tell me every night before we went to proud he was of you and how much you've changed since you met Bucky..he wouldn't stop talking about you and Bucky...and now ten years later he's your husband and you've had three of his kids and been through so much together! For a young girl like've been through so much! Even though my love of my best friend..your dad ain't here right now I still love him so much and I hope he still does! But please don't be saying things like 'i don't want nothing to do with him' because you'll regret it sooner or later and you wouldn't be able to go back to win him back..just give it time please love!"-nat
Natashas speech made your heart shatter and made you feel so much different emotions about yourself and Bucky...instead of talking back you broke down in here arms..

Sooo this story is kinda of the longest I've wrote so I'm gonna be ending it soon!! And writing a new one...thanks to Sophie's idea..thank you everyone for reading my books 💕 have a nice night/day!!

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