back where u belong...

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The two weeks went quick..the groom and bride have their photos and you have your money...your outside your house pulling your luggage out of the've got a tan like a really nice one've got your hair very curly from those braids you left in for the holiday...
You go Inside and every one is in the living room...
You hug your kids first...then Bucky then your parents...
"I'm glad to you have you back"-bucky
"Your back where u belong"-brooklyn
You smile..
"So the money what are you gonna do with it?"-bucky
"Well the first thing I'm gonna do is have a look at Brooklyn's birthday present list what she wants and I'll decide on maybe if she can have it or not"-y/n
She goes and gets the book
She passes it to you
You start reading
-a white horse
-my own pair of high heels
-one fancy dress like moms
-a car
-a scooter
-perfume like moms
-sunglasses like moms
You look down at her
"Okay so your not having a horse or car but you can get everything else on this list but with the high heels your having a tiny heel not big like mine"-y/n
"Why not?"-brooklyn
"Because youll break your ankles"-y/n
"Okay! I want these sunglasses"-she runs away to go and get them
She comes back with the black Chanel sunglasses
"Yeah okay you can get them too"-y/n
"Can I come shopping with you?"-brooklyn
"Yeah even tho there your birthday presents but whatever"-y/n
"What you doing with the rest of the money?"-bucky
"Well let's say today I go shopping for everything this could come to around 4k..and with the 2k left maybe just save it for anything"-y/n
Brooklyn goes and gets her shoes on
"Mom I'm ready let's go shopping!"-brooklyn
"Okay just wait one second!"-y/n
You say bye and head to the mall
First you go and get her to try on clothes
She choose a bought them
Went into the toy store got her n pink
Went into the sunglasses
Went into the perfume two bottles... expensive
Went into Sephora...she got makeup and face masks
Went into other shops she got
loads more of sneakily bought big ten balloons what you can blow up on the day..happy birthday banners and more party stuff and you bought her other stuff which she doesn't know also got Esme and Harley something too...
"Are you happy now?"-y/n
"Wait! I don't have my fancy dress and high heels"-brooklyn
"We can look online love dont worry"-y/n
You get to the car and pack your bags away
Wanda calls you
"Hey Wanda"-y/n
"Hi! I'm sorry this is late but me and nat are wondering if you want to come a bar in town in like two hours since ur back?"-wanda
"Yeah course come to my house in two hours"-y/n
You say bye and end the phone
"Where are you going?"-brooklyn
"To a bar with auntie nat and Wanda"-y/n
You drive home and start to get ready

"Are you happy now?"-y/n "Wait! I don't have my fancy dress and high heels"-brooklyn "We can look online love dont worry"-y/n You get to the car and pack your bags away Wanda calls you"Hey Wanda"-y/n "Hi! I'm sorry this is late but me and nat are ...

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This is what you leave your hair done straightened..and you put makeup come downstairs
Wanda and nat are in dresses...
You go into the living room
Bucky is in a suit with Peter..Loki..Steve and Sam
"Where are yous going?"-y/n
"What bout the kids?"-y/n
"Baby sitter is in the kitchen"-bucky
He nods
You go into the kitchen.
"Wow Mrs Barnes your looking gorgeous"-abigail
"Thank you Abigail...we might not be back till late if that's fine but I can pay extra you do too much!"-y/n
"That's fine Mrs Barnes stay out all night if you want! I love ur kids too much!"-abigail
You smile
"Call me y/n love"-y/n
"Mom your looking beautiful! I'm glad ur my mom with amazing dress sense"-brooklyn
You all laugh
"Don't let her in my room she's goes through my closet where all my dresses and high heels are...I have loads because I kept them ages ago for memories"-y/n
Abigail and the kids say goodbye and you go back into the living room...
"Which bar are yous going too?"-y/n
"It's our of town so might not be back till tomorrow morning"-bucky
"Okay...ours is in town"-nat
The cab arrives outside
"That's us"-wanda
She does outside
You kiss bucky
"Your looking very beautiful love"-bucky
"Your not looking too bad yourself"-y/n
You walk away outside to the cab...
The cab takes you to the club in town
It's a new one and Wanda booked a private table
You get to ur table and order drinks...
Your phone buzzes
It's a picture from Bucky
"Bucky sent me a photo I wonder what it is!"-y/n
You all lean in looking at your phone
You open the photo and it's a d*CK pic
You throw your phone on the floor
Nat and Wanda squel while your embarrassed
Your phone starts ringing
It's him
"I am so sorry it was the wrong photo!"-bucky
"Wait wrong photo? So you had a photo of your dick in your camera roll?"-y/n
"I took it yesterday gosh! I'll tell you about it later...the original photo was off the club what were in"-bucky
"Well nat and Wanda saw the picture you sent me"-you laugh
"Did they actually?"-he groans down the phone
"I'll see you when I get home big boy"-y/n
You end the phone and you all start laughing
Your drinks come...and you guys just talk for a while..
"So how's Harrison doing?"-wanda
"Fine I called him when I got home before like in the cab..he's apparently made lots of friends and all the girls are after him"-you laugh
"Well you and Bucky do make cute babies..and Harrison just looks like his dad so its a win win either way"-nat
"I just can't wait to see him again..I mean he said we can come visit anytime at his college but it's just about getting the kids done here and flash and work!"-y/n
"Well how about one weekend you go done by yourself to see him with letters from Bucky and the kids..he can work from home for the weekend and by Monday you'll be back in time for the kids school drop offs"-wanda
"Yeah that's what I'm gonna do actually thank you for the great idea"-y/n
The night goes on and you've been through loads of drinks...nat calmed down a bit and she's drinking coke
Nats phone rings
She answers
She talks and talks you can't makeout what's she's saying mostly and then she puts her phone down
"Your dad rang! They're at your house now they came back early"-nat
You all go outside the bar and head back home
Your drunk and nats helping you walk get back home and open the door
and then nat and Wanda start laughing load
You stumble into the living room
"Hello everybody! My name is James Barnes...and I've got a metal arm!"-y/n
They all laugh
Wanda and nat come in the living room behind you
You walk around the living room and sit down
"Where are my kids?"-y/n
"Upstairs asleep Abigail has gone!"-bucky
You put your hands on your stomach
"Guys I'm pregnant.."-you laugh
"Y/n your drunk..don't say that"-steve
"Okay dad!"-y/n
You soon end up falling asleep on the floor while everyone stays up for most of the night

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