Where did you go?

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"She's gone"-Bucky
"She's probably gone back to the compound"-Nat
"Yeah maybe"-Bucky

Meanwhile back at the compound,,nobody's home...They walk through the front door and Bucky starts running round everywhere looking for you but your nowhere to be seen
"Jarvis is y/n in the building"-Bucky
"No sir she hasn't been home since she left this morning with everyone"-Jarvis
"She might have gone out for a walk with her friends or too dinner"-Sam
"Isn't that what you after graduation"-Thor
"I think so brother"-loki
Bucky doesn't think you have...

Hours pass and you haven't came home...Bucky has tried ringing and texting you but nothing is working...your not answering

More hours pass now and it's 5am and you still haven't came home
Bucky has stayed up and hasn't slept since you had disappeared....

More hours pass and now it's around 10am and the team is now up and active around the compound
"Mr stark there's a message for you"-Jarvis
He gets the message and it's a video and he plays it so everyone can see...
It's a video of you...cuts on your face and your bleeding..."hi everyone I just wanted to say that I'm fine.."
You take a deep breath and try not to cry
"So I might be meeting Zemo soon..."
You start speaking Russian
'Help me I've been kidnapped and I don't know where I am but I've got a tracking Device on me...track it before they destroy it'
The videos ends
Buckys eyes widen
"Omg she's speaking Russian"-Bucky
"What is she saying"-Tony
"She's been kidnapped...she doesn't know where she is...she has a tracking device on her...track it before they destroy it"-Bucky
Steve is relieved to hear that...
"We'll track it.."-tony
He starts doing his thing and in no time he's got your location
"Found her"-tony
"Where is she?"-Nat
"It seems to be that she's in an apartment building what looks like it's been abandoned"-Bruce
"Well what are we waiting for?"-Bucky
"Suit up everyone and let's go"-Sam
Everyone suits up and you all take the jet...Thor lands it on top of the building
"Okay so we're gonna go in from the top"-Loki
"Bruce..peter..Sam..stay here your our backup...Me..thor..loki..Bucky..Steve And Nat on me"-Tony
They all follow tony in
Everyone is scanning every room possible...Bruce in the jet has a camera footage of the whole building and he can see you tied up in ropes and three guys surrounding you...
"Guys she's on the fourth floor...three people can't really get a focus on them"-Bruce
They head down to the fourth floor and Steve walks in first
Your so glad you saw your and the team
Steve and Tony knock the guards out and Bucky and Nat start to untie you...
"Omg you came"-Y/n
"Course we did.."-tony
"It's not like we wasn't going too leave you to rot"-Thor
"Brother not now"-loki
You give bucky a hug
"So when did you learn how to speak Russian"-bucky
"Oh you know just studied it when I was like 15"-y/n
"Oh yeah you took classes I remember"-Steve
You get up and you tremble cause your weak...
Your dad helps you and gives you support
You hug him
"Never leave like that again okay?"-Steve
"Don't worry I'm not gonna"-y/n
They all help you get on the jet and take you home and Bruce is running tests on you to see if your Alright...
Bucky is in the lab with you holding your hand because you don't like needles
"Is it gonna hurt?"-Y/n
"Nope well actually just one little pinch and then you'll be fine"-Bruce
"I don't like needles"-y/n
"Doll you'll be fine"-bucky
Bruce holds your skin
And gently injects you
It didn't even hurt
"Wow that wasn't even that bad"-y/n
"Good are you okay though"-Bucky
"Yeah I'm okay What was that by the way"-Y/n
"Just some medicine to calm your body from what's just happened"-Bruce
"Okay thank you"-y/n
"Your welcome if you feel worse in a couple of hours just come back downstairs to me and I'll sort you out"-Bruce
"Okay thanks again Bruce"-bucky
He smiles and just cleans up as you both leave...
You go into the living room and you sit down for a bit
"Where's peter I haven't saw him"-y/n
"Oh I think he's with this girl named mj"-loki
You think for a second
"Ohhhh mj...you know I think they have something going on"-y/n
You smirk
"It's good for peter he kinda needs it"-Nat
"I know.."-y/n
You start day dreaming now while the others talk
When you was in that room tied up..it keeps replaying in your mind
Someone walks in the room
"Hey everyone"-Steve
You don't speak
"Y/n? You there?"-Steve
You don't answer
You close your eyes
Bucky shakes you
You open your eyes
"Oh sorry just tired"-y/n
Your not
You get up
"I'm just gonna go to the kitchen"-Y/n
You walk away
You sit down at the breakfast table and slightly rest your head

A couple hours later, you ended up falling asleep and you get waken up by talking
You look up and see tony talking with your dad you quickly put your head back down to hear the conversion
"We don't know who took her and held her hostage...but all we know for now is that she is safe and her health is alright"-tony
"She's been through so much tony...a girl like that at her age taking all that in I don't even know how to feel she's the last thing I have left...and if I loose her I'm gonna end up loosing myself..."-Steve
"I know i know Steve but we need to keep and eye on her"-tony
"Okay thank you for everything"-Steve
"Anytime cap"-Tony
They walk out and you lift your head up
You go and get a yogurt from the fridge and a apple and you go to your room and you walk through and you see bucky standing in the middle of your room with his back to you...
He turns around and he screams
"Ahhh OMG what are you doing here?"-Bucky
"It's my room and why are you holding a magnifying glass"-y/n
"Oh nothing just looking for dust"-Bucky
You get suspicious you place your apple on your table and you lay on the bed so does he
You sit on his lap facing him and he groans
"Owww be a bit careful round there"-Bucky
"Why you got like a huge spot on there or something"-y/n
He goes red
"Omg you do...don't you...is that you was holding that magnifying glass"-y/n
"Yeah.."-he says embarrassed
"Oh don't be embarrassed I once got stung on my boob by a bee and I had to show my dad my boobs"-y/n
You both laugh
"And then what happened after that"-Bucky
"He took me to the hospital And a male doctor had to take care of it even though they wouldn't get a woman to do it so I felt more comfortable with it"-y/n
"The spot isn't even that bad"-Bucky
"It could be an std"-y/n
"I don't think it is"-Bucky
"Or aids"-y/n
"You probably gave it me"-bucky
"But we haven't had s3ggs for like 3-4 months cause it's been very busy round here"-y/n
He looks at you
"Or we could do it now"-bucky
"But everyone is downstairs and-"-y/n
Before you could say anything bucky cuts you off by kissing you...and you know one things leads onto another....and by now your doing it and someone knocks on the door
You put your hand over buckys mouth
"Yeah hello who is it?"-y/n
"It's Sam can I come in?"-Sam
"Uhm come back in five minutes"-y/n
You both quickly get up and get into anything
"It's okay I'll just wait here"-Sam
You both get back into bed and you tell him to come in
"Okay what's up"-y/n
"Bruce wants to know if you've eaten since you've came back"-Sam
"Yeah i Have thanks"-y/n
"Okay but quick question why are so sweaty"-Sam
You both stay quiet and try not to laugh
Sam realises
"Ohh ew I wished I never asked now"-Sam
He leaves as you both burst out in laughter
"I need a pee one sec"-y/n
You tremble your way to the bathroom and you have your pee and you come back to bed...Buckys walking round the room stretching..
"Your waking around the room stretching? I'm tired after that.."-y/n
"One question though was ur enough for you?"-Bucky
"Yeah it was more than enough"-you giggle
"Glad to hear doll"-bucky
You both laugh...
You wanna turn tv on but you can't find the remote
"Where's the remote?"-y/n
"Oh I think I left it in my room I'm not sure"-bucky
"Come on Let's go to ur room then"-y/n
You both walk out of your room and you can here shouting from downstairs in the meeting room
You both go down to see what it is and it's your dad
You stand at the corner
"She's not doing it end of"-Steve
He stops talking but you can see he's on the phone
"The only chance is I send her that's it"-Steve
Your heart drops into your stomach
"I'm not sure London England?"-Steve
You walk out from where you was hiding and say
"London England that's like on the other side of the world"-y/n
"No y/n it's not about you"-Steve
"Then Who is it about then?"-y/n
He is still on the phone
"I'm sorry that was my daughter y/n..."-Steve
You look at Bucky
"Yeah I understand...I will have a talk with her..."-Steve
He ends the phone...
"Wanna explain..."-y/n
He looks you up and down
"Y/n not now...dinner is ready"-Steve
"Yeah tony got us all takeout 🥡"-Bucky
You all go to the living room and join everyone eating..
A couple times while everyone was talking your dads phone kept on ringing
But he didn't answer it....
You decide to piss him off...
"So bucky I was thinking we could go to London England for our next trip"-y/n
You smirk as your dad glares at you
"London England I've always wanted to go their..."-Nat
You choke on your noodles
"Yeah same"-you smile
You finish up eating 🍽
And you go upstairs and you say to bucky
"Ima pull a prank on someone"-y/n
"You mean everyone"-Bucky
"Nope only one"-y/n
"Who you thinking?"-bucky
You pull out green hair dye and you go and sneak to his room you go init his bathroom and pour the dye into his shampoo bottle...
You walk back out and u run back into your room...
"I did it.."-y/n
Suddenly your dad comes bursting through the doors...
"Y/n...you need to come with me"-Steve
You follow him down to meeting room and you see tony and this guy you don't know
"Y/n meet t'challa"-tony

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