Another surprise...

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Your back at home now eating your tea with bucky and Brooklyn...when your phone starts ringing...
It's Wanda
"Hey you okay?"-y/n
"Uhm I just wanted to know if you three wanna stay over at the compound tonight?"-Wanda
"Yeah sure we would love that!"-y/n
"Alright I'll see you soon!"-Wanda
You say bye and then end the phone...
You tell bucky and Brooklyn what's happening and then you all go pack a bag each for the compound...
You all set off...
You arrive at the compound and Bucky carries all the bags into your old room..
You walk into the kitchen with Brooklyn on your hip and notice two children sat at the dining table...
Two children you've never seen before
They both look up at you...
"Where are your parents?"-y/n
"They're in the living room with our older sister!"-one of the children
(They're both boys)
You think of Wanda and vision straight away..
"Wait is your mum Wanda and vision?"-y/n
They both nod
"And What are your names?"-Brooklyn
"Billy and tommy"-billy
You smile at them..
"Well I'm y/n..and this is Brooklyn"-y/n
They both smile...
But look suspicious
"What are you guys doing?"-y/n
"Putting purple hair dye in uncle Thor's shampoo"-Tommy
You start laughing
"Once I threw a spoon at his head I think!"-y/n
They both laugh...
"Are you gonna tell on us?"-billy
"It can be our little secret!"-y/n
They all smile
"Now run along and go put it back in his bathroom!"-y/n
They both giggle as they run off
Bucky,Sam,loki,Peter And Thor walk in..
"So you guys drinking?"-y/n
"Yeah we're celebrating!"-Sam
"Celebrating what?"-y/n
"That's a secret we will never tell!"-Thor
You smile
"Okay okay I was just asking"-y/n
They all get beers and head outside into the back garden where the pool is...
You walk into the living room and sit down with Nat..Wanda and Brooklyn on your lap
You guys are talking about stuff
And then billy and tommy run in
"Boys just go outside and annoy your dad not me!"-Wanda
They run outside
"Them boys! Double trouble!"-Wanda
You all laugh..
"So y/n are you planning on having on anymore kids?"-Nat
"To be honest I haven't really thought about it..with us being busy all the time it's not a thing I would think about on a daily"-you smile
"Well me and vision have three children already"-Wanda
"I couldn't handle three! Ones away and ones still with me and another one nope couldn't do it"-y/n
"Well you always have us to babysit and stuff"-Nat
You smile
Brooklyn is really quiet..
"You okay sweetheart..your rather quiet"-y/n
"Yes I'm fine mommy"-Brooklyn
You kiss her cheek
"You know I started so young with all this..I'm only 29? And most people start all this in their 30s..I'm married..I graduated..two kids..a successful job..and a hot husband!"-you smirk
The girls laugh..
"I'm not even joking you! When he takes of his's a such a view I feel like everything goes in slow motion"-y/n
You smile
"Speaking about you and Bucky..isn't your anniversary soon?"-Nat
You think for a second
"Omg it's tomorrow!"-y/n
"Have you got him anything"-Wanda
"No I haven''ve only just reminded me!"-y/n
"Do you have money on you?"-Nat
"Yeah I've got my card..let me give Brooklyn to bucky and we can go to the mall"-y/n
"Yeah amazing"-Nat
You go outside
"I'm just going to the mall to pick up a few things..can you look after Brooklyn for me"-y/n
"Yeah she could play with the twins"-bucky
"Yeah but watch her please!"-y/n
"I will don't worry"-bucky
You place her down on the floor with the twins..
You walk back inside towards the front door to the car with the girls...
You get in and go to the mall..
You arrive and park up
You head inside and start having a look around...
1 hour passes and you've bought some stuff...
You've bought an expensive suit..which he has always wanted!
-designer perfume..
-a Rolex
-his favourite chocolate
-some new trainers
-a diamond chain
-a picture of you,him,Brooklyn and Harrison
You don't know what to buy him..
"It's so hard for me to buy him stuff because I don't know what he would like!"-y/n
"I understand what you mean"-Wanda
You go into a few shops for yourself and get a few things..
"Okay so it's only fair if we go and get something to eat and I'll pay! Because you've spent like two hours walking around the mall with me!"-y/n
Nat smiles
You all go to a restaurant and eat

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