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Buckys gone to work and your needed in work layer on in the day so you and the kids are sleeping for s bit more...then theres knocking on the door and Brooklyn goes to answer's Steve and nat
"Where your mom?"-steve
"She's asleep upstairs"-brooklyn
"It's 11am she should be up"-nat
They come inside and go upstairs to your room
"Wake up y/n why are you in bed?"-steve
He opens the curtains
"Dad I feel sick stoppp"-y/n
"Well you've got work to be doing in your office"-steve
"I dont have to go in till later"-y/n
"Well get up then"-steve
He drags you out of bed..
Your fully awake..
"Dad I'm not 13 I'm nearly 30 stop"-y/n
"Okay okay well don't the kids have school?"-steve
"They go back tomorrow"-y/n
"Well do they wanna come and sleep and ours then we've got an apartment and everything now"-steve
"We can drop them off in the morning for you"-nat
"Yeah that would be amazing thank you! Nat knows how to makes harleys bottles anyways so that's fine"-y/n
"Yeah I babysat the kids all the time"-nat
"Go wait downstairs help yourself in the kitchen while o get the stuff ready"-y/n
They go downstairs and you start packing two outfits for harley and Brooklyn
-underwear and socks
-one set of pyjamas each
-hair brush and bobbles
-a towel
-brooklyns perfume
-two jackets and some essentials for Harley
You go in Harrisons room
"Harley and Brooklyn are sleeping at grandpas and Grandmas wanna go?"-y/n
"Yeah let me pack"-harrison
You leave his room and go downstairs with your bags...
The kids are ready and dressed...and ready to go
Harrison comes down and he's ready to go
You say goodbye to them all and they leave
You shut the door...
And sigh
"I might as well go for a shower"-y/n
You go upstairs and strip for the get in and start your routine...
You get out and you forgot a towel...
The fresh towels are downstairs
So you walk downstairs naked...
You reach the bottom of the stairs and the front door opens
It's Bucky
"Why are you naked?"-bucky
"Forget a towel"-y/n
You hear him laugh
You get a towel and wrap it around you...
"Awww you looked better with it off"-bucky
"Why are you home early?"-y/n
"Needed to grab some papers"-bucky
He disappears for a second and the appears
"Ill see you when you come work?"-bucky
You nod and then goes
You go upstairs and get ready...

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You've got a very important meeting with Bucky later with the board

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You've got a very important meeting with Bucky later with the set off to go to work...
You arrive and head straight to your office...
You grab your papers and file and then Robert comes in your room
"The board is here waiting in the meeting room for you and Mr Barnes!"-robert
"Thank you Robert"-y/n
He leaves and you get Bucky
You start walking down to the meeting room
"I gotta say that lingerie top makes me so horny"-bucky
"Stop we have a meeting"-y/n
You walk in and all eyes turn to you
"Good afternoon"-y/n
The meeting starts and you do most of the talking
Your phone rings half way through presentation
"I am very sorry I have to take this call..but please mr James Barnes can take over"-y/n
You get up and walk out while Bucky takes over
It's your dad
"Hey dad what's up I'm kinda busy right now"-y/n
"What you doing"-steve
"I just had to leave a meeting at work Bucky had to take over the presentation"-y/n
"Oh I'm sorry I'll let you get back"-steve
"It's fine it's over soon how are the kids?"-y/n
"They're fine they are downstairs playing I'm just helping nat upstairs she's been having morning sickness"-steve
"Please do not say she is pregnant!"-y/n
"Sooo just allow it y/n!"-steve
"I'm going I'm not having this conversation"-y/n
"I want grandbaby no.4 y/n!!"-steve
"Dad no!"-y/n
"Bucky said he wants baby no.5 that's the limit"-steve
"He did!"-y/n
"Oh yeah wouldn't stop talking about the sex you had on his desk in his office"-steve
You get embarrassed
"I'm going now"-y/n
You end the phone
You walk back into the meeting and finish it 
The board leaves and they should email soon
"I know what you was talking about with my dad"-y/n
"Did he tell you?"-bucky
You nod
"You want baby no.5?"-y/n
"Yeah I want two more kids with you..that's the limit now"-bucky
"I don't know it's too much"-y/n
"Think about it"-bucky
"You told my dad about what we did in your office! Wtf"-y/n
"Oops sorry couldn't help myself"-bucky
"Yeah you never can"-y/n
You kiss his cheek ans when you walk away he smackes your ass

"You know it"-bucky
He laughs

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