Have you made any friends?...

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It's morning...
Your getting ready to go work...

Your getting ready to go work

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Your brushing your teeth

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Your brushing your teeth...
You spit the rest of the toothpaste down the sink and wipe your mouth...
You head downstairs
And bucky's already on a business call...
"Yes..of course...I have enough money for that...enough money to cover a couple years...we'll I'm making more by the day.."-bucky
He goes silent for a couple of seconds
"The people who work for me have a perfectly good wage...more than a doctor makes at least...they work hard everyday"-bucky
You can tell he'a stressing and then soon he puts the phone down
"Oh I'm sorry about that my love..just work is stressing me out"-bucky
"It's alright"-y/n
He kisses your forehead
"Oh and on my lunch break today I'm going Christmas shopping again..."-y/n
Bucky makes a funny look at you..
"You never stop"-Bucky
"Shopping is the only sport I do"-y/n
Bucky laughs...
And then so do you...
You both lock up the house...and head to your car..buckys driving today...
Your phone rings
It's Harrison
"Hey you okay?"-y/n
"Yes I'm fine...yesterday I did my first lessons on controlling my powers...and I'm already good at it..."-Harrison
"Well that's amazing news...I'm happy for you baby"-y/n
"Am I gonna be coming home for Christmas"-Harrison
"Yes you are..your gonna have something like a Christmas break...so your gonna be at home for 2 weeks and then your gonna back to school"-y/n
"Yay..I miss you and dad"-Harrison
"We miss you too...lots...and we love you"-y/n
"I love you too..I have to go now I have gym"-Harrison
"Bye mom"-Harrison
You end the phone
"Well that was Harrison and he's loving it"-y/n
"I think we both made a good choice and sending him their"-Bucky
You smile
Bucky looks down at your belly...
"Have you been eating loads recently?"-bucky
"No not really...I haven't been that hungry recently"-y/n
"Are you bloated?"-bucky
"No why?"-y/n
"Because it looks like you've gained a few pounds"-bucky
"Aww thanks"-y/n
"No I didn't mean it like that! Because when you eat you just poo it out.."-bucky
You finally reach work
And you can't get them things what Bucky said bout your belly in your head...
You go into your office
And you look in the mirror
And your getting pregnancy vibes
You quickly rush to your desk...grab your phone and ring up the doctors
"Hello I'm y/n Barnes and I would like to make an appointment"-y/n
"And What is the appointment for?"-the nurse
"A pregnancy scan..to see if I'm pregnant"-y/n
"Ahh yes I can book you in for later on today around 5pm?"-the Nurse
"Yes that would be perfect.."-y/n
"Would you be coming alone or with somebody?"-the nurse
"Alone..thank you"-y/n
"Alright I'll have it booked for you...I shall see you soon"-the nurse
You end the phone...
You lean back in your chair...tired...stressed
You get up and go to buckys office
You walk in and sit in the chair infront of his desk
"You Alright?"-bucky
"Nope...just stressed"-y/n
"Well I have abit of news to share with you!"-bucky
"And What will that be?"-y/n
"I've booked two tickets too the Maldives..for two weeks to clear your mind!"-bucky
Your eyes open wide
"You have not!"-y/n
He gets the tickets out of his pocket and shows you
You squeal
"I've always wanted to go there"-y/n
You hug him...
"When do we leave?"-y/n
"Tomorrow morning!"-bucky
"Omg...I need to go shopping..I need to get everything done...Christmas shopping and everything..."-y/n
"Okay calm down...I'll clear your schedule for the rest of the day...take my card and spend how much you want on it"-bucky
"OMG your the best husband in the world"-y/n
You kiss him...
You take his card and rush out of his office..you grab your bag..and head outside to your car...it starts raining
"Ffs...I don't even have my jacket.."-y/n
You drive off to the mall...

For the rest of the afternoon...you've bought stuff for your holiday...and loads of stuff for yourself...Harrison and Bucky for Christmas...and the team..
All of your car boot is filled up with bags...in the back is filled up with bags and so is the passengers seat in the front...
You do go overboard with shopping...
You drive back home...and now that Harrison is gone...you put all of the presents in his room...and take the ones out of your room and put them in his room too...
It's nearly 5 pm time for your appointment...on the way out..you grab your jacket..it's still raining...
You get in the car..and drive to your appointment...you get inside...go to receptionist and she directs you to the room...you get started...
15 minutes later..she runs some tests and....
She comes back in and says...
"Your pregnant...congratulations"-nurse
"Wow Thank you"-y/n
You get cleaned up and head out back to your car...you have the baby scans in your hands...
"I'm how many weeks? 8?"-y/n
You ring Bucky up
"Hey were are you?"-y/n
"I'm still at the office why?"-bucky
"Okay I'm coming now"-y/n
You end the phone..
You speed off to the office..
You eventually get their
You park up and run inside...you take the elevator to his office...

You walk into his office..you walk up to him and hand him the scans
He takes a deep look at it..
"Your pregnant?"-bucky
He gets up and hugs you
"This is amazing news...just wait until we tell the team..and Harrison"-bucky
"Can't wait"-y/n..

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