1 week later...

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It's Christmas...
Christmas Day...
And last night Harrison layed our cookies and milk for Santa...
And went he went to bed...Santa came and layed out all the presents under the tree...
It's around 7am...and Harrison is jumping on your bed...
"Alright let me get my pants on.."-Bucky
You get up and take Harrison downstairs with bucky behind you...
You open the living room door and sees tones of presents under the tree
"Are they all mine?"-Harrison
"Yeah go open them buddy"-Bucky
He runs to the presents and starts opening them...
You and Bucky sit down on the sofa...you take pictures of Harrison opening his presents...and then around 1 hour later he finishes
"So what's your favourite present?"-y/n
"My bike and my toys"-Harrison
"I'm glad you like them!"-y/n
"Alright time for mummy's presents!"-bucky
You get excited
Bucky gets up and walks out the room with Harrison
They soon later come back in with nicely wrapped boxes...and paper bags filled with presents by the looks of it...
They place them on the sofa and you start unwrapping then...
You have got...
-A big black puffy jacket 🧥
-some new designer heels
-expensive designer dresses
-hair accessories
-designer sunglasses 🕶
-and a bunch of gift cards..
"Thank you so much...I love this...everything I got I love it!"-y/n
You hug Harrison and give bucky a kiss
"One more thing!"-bucky
You look at him in shock
"No no..it's too much!"-y/n
He gives you a little box
The same box that he proposed to you with
You open it and it's your wedding ring...the one you lost..
"You found it?"-y/n
"Yeah...it was under the bed...our bed"-bucky
You hug him
"Thank god!...now its time for your presents!"-y/n
"I'm gonna open mine later on...maybe when the team is opening theirs...and ours what they got us!"-bucky
"Alright...so I'm just gonna clean up around here and you two go get ready please.."-y/n
They rush off upstairs and you make the living room look a bit more tidier with all the presents...
They soon come back downstairs nicely dressed...
Buckys in the suit you picked out for him ages ago...
Harrison is in a similar kind of suit..
He won't last long in that Suit at all...
(Harrison is 10 years old by the way)
Harrison changes onto the kids channel and you go upstairs too get ready...

(Harrison is 10 years old by the way)Harrison changes onto the kids channel and you go upstairs too get ready

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You leave your hair done..but curled
And you put makeup on...
You come downstairs and it's already 1pm
This morning went fast..
"Doll..the team is on their way...Christmas dinner will be ready in about two-three hours table needs to be set!"-bucky
"Yeah on it!"-y/n
You go into the dining room and set all the plates out...crackers...fancy glasses and plates and cutlery...and enough seats for everyone...
Harrison is playing with his toys..
Buckys on dinner duty
And your just free at the minute...
"I need to get their presents down!"-y/n
You quickly rush upstairs in a hurry..
You bring them down and they all have around like two big nicely wrapped boxes full of stuff...and a little gift bag on the side...of things they love and need..
You place them under the tree with the spare room you have because of Harrison presents in the way...
"So buddy...do you like your bike?"-y/n
"Yeah...but when I go back to school can I keep it here? And can I bring some toys back there and keep some here!"-Harrison
"Yeah ofcourse you can..but I want to keep some stuff here like clothes so when you come back you have clothes to change into and some toys to play with..."-y/n
"That's fine with me mom"-Harrison
You smile and kiss him on the head...
You hear knocks on the door
Bucky goes to answer the door...
They all come in and head into the living room..you see they have presents
"Hey everyone...so if you want place the presents under the tree and we can open them later.."-y/n
They all place them under the tree...
Everyone starts talking...
Getting along with eachother...
Bucky brings drinks out..mainly wine
You go into the kitchen...
And speak to Nat..
"You know what you forgot to do last time we came round..."-Nat
"What's that?"-y/n
"Tell everyone your pregnant!"-Nat
"Oh shoot I forgot last time...how about we do it now...and maybe open presents"-y/n
"Great idea"-Nat
She grabs her wine glass..and you both walk into the living...
"So I've got some news I've got to tell everyone...me and bucky have known for quite a while now...and I think it's time to share it with you guys"-y/n
"And what's that?"-tony smiles
"I'm pregnant!"-y/n
You smile
Everyone is shocked
"OMG we're all gonna be uncles and aunts again!!!"-loki and peter
"Finally pulled it off barnes.."-Sam
"Yeah congratulations y/n...like I definitely didn't know second"-Nat
You laugh
"Congratulations mom...I'm gonna be a big brother.."-Harrison
"Yes you are"-y/n
Everyone cheers for you...
And then you all open presents...
They open theirs first and everyone loves their presents...
And you and Harrison and Bucky open yours what they got you...
You all then place yours under the tree..and they put theirs in the car so they don't forget them...
You sit down with the team and you hear someone speaking behind you...
You turn around and you see your dad..
"What are you doing here?"-you smile
"You think I could miss Christmas"-Steve
"Who are you talking too?"-Sam
"My dad..He's here!"-y/n
Everyone looks behind you..
"I can feel him.."-Nat
"Tell everyone I said merry Christmas"-Steve
"He said merry Christmas"-y/n
"Merry Christmas to you too"-Everyone
Steve smiles
"I can't believe your having another child...which I'm probably not gonna meet.."-Steve
"That's one side which I try not to think about everyday when I wake up"-y/n
"It's alright...they know they have a super cool grandpa who was once captain America and loved them so much"-Steve
You laugh
"What's he saying?"-tony
"Just talking about how super cool he would be to my new unknown child"-y/n
Everyone laughs
"Ughh I missed them voices...when we all together having a laugh drinking"-Steve
"What is it like there.."-y/n
"It's just a calm..quiet space..no pain and nobody can hurt you"-Steve
You just smile
"I would do anything to be with you back on earth with you.."-Steve
You hesitate for a second...
"Oh my gosh..."-y/n
You get up
"What's up.."-Thor
"You okay doll?"-bucky
"Dad you've just gave me the best idea ever!"-y/n
"And What will that be?"-tony
"Give me a second"-y/n
You run upstairs and grab from the top of your wardrobe...a big dusty book which looks ancient...
You walk back downstairs
Skipping through the pages
"Got it"-y/n
You place the book on the table and say
Everyone looks up with wide eyes
"No I don't think so.."-bucky
"Think about it...I haven't properly used my powers in about 8 years...I've been saving my energy and powers for that long...that I could be bring my dad from the other side back here!"-y/n
"Remember what happened the time with Zemo?"-loki
"Yeah I wasn't strong enough then..."-y/n
"And your pregnant so no!"-Sam
"Why not! It's sounding like you don't want my dad here!"-y/n
"Look y/n...what they're trying to say...all the bad consequences what will happen if you do this...and I'm pretty sure everyone would do anything to have your dad back here...so would I!"-Nat
"Then just let me do it!"-y/n
"Y/n...I'm fine here..just leave it"-Steve
You put the book back upstairs and leave it...

2 hours later...dinner is ready...Bucky is dishing out dinner in the dining room and then everyone comes and sits down...you all start eating...laughing...talking
But your dad has gone now...but you'll see him soon...
Around half an hour later...everyone is finished dinner
"Maybe for New Years you could come to the compound and we could all celebrate their?"-tony
"That would be amazing!"-y/n
"Yeah and Harrison gets to finally see it properly"-bucky
You take everyone's plates into the kitchen...and scrape off left over food and put them in the dish washer...
You look through the kitchen window..thinking about life...
"Does life have to be like this.."-y/n
"Sadly yes..."-Peter
You turn around and see peter
"I feel like I've missed so much in life...you've grown up so much you know"-y/n
"So have you...your what 27? Two kids...married to an amazing husband...you've got everyone's dream house and cars...you've got a highly paid job..you've got everything a person could dream off...and you and the team are lucky...including me...I didn't really think I was gonna end up like this...tony said when he retires I'm taking over stark industries..."-peter
"When are you gonna actually start a family?"-y/n
"Well I'm currently seeing someone but I don't know where it's going!"-peter
"Peter That's amazing..."-y/n
He giggles...

It's around 7 pm now...
Harrison has gone to bed cause he's tired...and the team has just left...
Your cleaning up around the house...
Bucky has opened his presents from this morning...
You soon then..lay down on the sofa cuddling with bucky while watching Netflix on tv...and your Christmas tree shining like a diamond

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