Settling in..

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It's a couple hours after buck came back...
Loki and peter have gone home
And your speaking to bucky about work
"Everything has been the same and nothing has changed really..except we have more employees and the office is changed around mostly"-y/n
"Maybe just give me around a couple days and everything will be back to normal"-bucky
You smile
"Also now Marisa has recently had twins so I've cut down her timetable to be in work but..I've gave her an extra wage pay because she was struggling with looking after her husband is working all the time"-y/n
"Oh..that's not bad"-bucky
"You've changed lots Doll..and Harrison and well I never met Brooklyn before"-Bucky
"Yeah there's a lot of things you missed"-y/n
You don't feel right since he's back..
Everything's changed once again
It's not the same anymore
"Well is it okay if I go in the shower?"-bucky
"Yeah not a problem but I'm just going out to meet Nat..can the kids stay with you?"-y/n
You grab your keys and go out the door to the car..
You text Nat and say
"I'm coming to the myself..I need to talk to you about bucky x"
You put your phone down and drive off to the compound...

It takes you a while and then you find yourself pulling up into the driveway and parking up
You get out the car and walk into the compound shouting
"It's y/n..Nat?"-y/n
She's sat on the sofa
You walk over to her and sit down opposite her
"So what was it you needed to talk to me about?"-Nat
"It's bucky..even though it hasn't been a day since he's been's just not as normal..everything has's not like the old days..I want my old life back..but I can't"-y/n
"Well can you not leave it a couple days too see if anything happens ?"-Nat
"I have no patience at all.."-y/n
Nat laughs
"Well do something to help yourself see changes in him"-Nat
"I'll work"-y/n
"You've been doing too much of that..take a break!"-Nat
"I can't take a break..I just want to go back to when I was 19 everything was fun..and I was free..I could party..get drunk but now I can't..I feel old putting this suit on"-y/n
"Look love..your only young the life you want..if things don't turn out right with bucky..then there's always a divorce"-Nat
"But that's the thing Nat..I'm too in love with him to leave..he's my husband the name I'm glad to call husband..after he disappeared and came back today doesn't feel right..and we made two kids and well one of them are going back to school soon but...I just wanna be that good mother every kid dreams of having"-you wipe the tear from your eye
"'ve just blew me away with words..I don't even know what to say...but I know how your feeling..I used to love your dad so much and I still do but it's not the same anymore...just don't skipping to conclusions..give it time..and make sure you make it fun with the time you have left"-Nat
You and Nat chat for a bit and then you end up going home back to bucky and the kids..
It's around 8pm now..and about to go to've just put Brooklyn down for bed...and Harrison is already fast asleep in his own come back in your room and Bucky is watching tv in get in bed..and then Bucky turns tv off and turns the light off and goes bed at the other side of the cuddling no nothing..
You try and fall asleep but you can't..
You get up and go sit downstairs in the kitchen and pour yourself some alcohol in a fancy glass 🥃
A couple of hours go ahead and you still can't see the sun shining through the window..
It's sunrise..
And now it's time for Harrison to go his super power school thing..
And Brooklyn's daycare..
And you and Bucky to go work...

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