Which one loves me?

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Aliyah pov

I was sitting downstairs eating oreos watching martin bored out my mind
Chris been really distant the past few days and my brother got his own place and August hasnt texted or called me since the day the left my house and went out
By its whatever im good by myself

*phone started to ring*


"Hey bae sorry i didnt answer i was busy"

"Busy for 2days?" I said annoyed

"Yea i umm was working on a song then i got home late and just crashes"

"What time did you gt home"

"Around 7"

"Ha! Funny cuz i came by there at 8 to get my cd that me and tyga made and you wasnt there so i had to use my key"




"Niggah you still there?"

"Listen li....we need a break im not fee-"

"The fuck okay chris kiss my chocolate ass bitch ill be there to get my stuff fucking ass hole" I yelled

"Listen it just that i-"

"I didnt ask for a explanation*calms down* shidd I really dont care for yall niggahs no more bye chrissy" i hung up

How the hell he need a break bitch ive done nothing but be there for you talking bout these hoes at loyal yo ass one of the thot ass
My phone started ringing again and guess who it is august ass

"What the hell you want" i said with attitude

"Damn lil mama i just wanted to know where yo brother was?"

"Why would i know call his damn phone" i hung up on him his ass just wanted to call to see if i would be happy
Then a knock came on my door

"Ughhh i just wanna eat my oreos and watch tv tf why ppl keep bothering me" i sighed and walked to my door and opened it

"LIYAHHH!" They yelled

"AMARIII" we hugged and i invited her in

"What are you doing here" i asked

"Im moving down here girl so i can be near my best friend" she said

"Omggg now i wont be bored"

"What about chris" she nudged me and I rolled my eyes

"We done"

"Omg why"

"I really dont know why" i said truthfully


Next day

I was laying in bed bored out my mine just looking up in the air

"Ughhhhh" i ground

I got uo and put on some clothes im not staying in this damn house i walked out the house and got in the car blasting my music
One of chris songs came on so i turned the station

"Some new by tyga coming next" the radio said

Then a song started playing IT WAS MY SONGGGG

My phone started ringing


"Yo this tyga you hear yo song"

"Yessss OMG" I squealed

"I see you happy as hell up tomorrow i knew you to come by some people wanna meet you"

"Okay that you so much tyga " i said

"No problem" he said

With that i hung up and turn up my song on max and went to the mall to celebrate nothing can ruin my day
I been in almost ever store and im still shopping im just so excited i guess lol
And i need a new outfit for tomorrow
I was walking when someone tapped me on my shoulder i turned around and seen August i smiled

"Hey" i spoke first

"Hey how you been" he said

"Great...well at first not so good but now i feel amazing like no-" i was cut off

"There you are baby i thought you where ganna wait for me" a women kissed August cheek after her statement

"Hey umm i seen my friends lil sister so i came to speak" he told her..damn im your friends little sister not even your friend then you had to say something about my age like these nīggähs irrelavent but imma play along

"Hi im aliyah" i said in my most proper,excited,and preppy voice i held out my hand and she shook it

"Nice to meet you...umm baby im going in there meet me when you finish talking to the girl" she fanned me off

I know....the hell...who the fuck...okay

"BITCH WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU IS" her face changed completely she was surprised by my whole voice and expression change

"Tuh!" She scoffed and walked off scary ass bitch
I ran after her but august grabbed me
"Just let it go" he said

"No you let me go!" I pushed him off me

"Liyah calm down ma" he said

"You need to tell yo disrespectful ass hoe to calm down" i yelled

"Whateve man you just jealous" he said seriously
I know this niggah not that conceited

"Damn you caught me aug im jealous because obviously i want you thats why i been blowing up your phone and crying for you and when i seen you i was ready to jump on your dick" i said loud but sarcastically waving my hands

He just rolled his eyes

"Exactly aug im not jealous i could care less im not chasing after no one thats not willing to chase me..." I tried to walk about but to be pulled back and pulled into his lips
I pulled away slowly

My heart was pounding he really caught me off guard a little "August you got me tripping fr...just call me later when you gt rid of her ill be waiting" i walked off

Ughh how can he just say or do one thing and it make my emotions change just like that
If he doesn't call me by tomorrow before i go to tygas place imma end all tides with August Alsina

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