No love

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Aliyah pov

"Yea at 8 you want me to meet you?"

"No imma pick you up" chase wants to take me out today as FRIENDS

"Okay see ya then boo"

"Aight liyah" the. He hung up
I was on my way to see amari since shes at home alone cuz jamals working
I knocked and waited then knocked again and waiting

After repeating this 3 more times she finally came

"Sorry li its hard to gt up with this stomach" she said rubbing her belly

I laughed "its alright mari" i walked in and we sat down

"Sooo who is my niece in there" i smiled

"Girl she bad asf always hurting me owww there she go right now" we both laughed

"She ready to come out" i said

"Well she better come ready to see her too" she said

"Me too im ready to spoil her to death"

"When you and August go pop some out" she asked ruining my smile

"Ion think i wanna have kids with him"

"Huh why what he do"

"Not what he did what hes doing" i sighed before finishing seeing that she wanted to hear more

"He has been cheating on my for about 2 months now but he doesn't know that ik when he says hes at the studio hes with her some nights he wouldn't come hime or if we argue he will leave and come back late with hickies and try to kiss me but i just play it off cuz i dont wanna lose him" by the end i was in tears

"Aliyah im so sorry girl if i wasn't pregnant i would go beat his ass for you but you cant do this to yourself you deserve to be happy and if hes not doing that then you need to cant just wait thinking hes ganna change you need yo make your move" she said

"So i need to confront him about it?"

"Yeah you do liyah" she hugged me and lead me to the door

"Thanks amari"

"Bye boo i love you" she hugged me

"I love you too bye and bye little one" i said rubbing her stomach
Now i was on my way to August house ughh im so nervous and i dont wanna cause a scene in front of his cousin
I went in and everything felt in slow motion tears dropped to the ground as i heard the loud moans
I opened the door and almost threw up my breaths started to speed up and i couldn't breathe I tried to calm down and that's why august saw me

"Aliyah?" He spoke

"Yourr fucking your cousin your sick as hell!" I felt light headed

"Aliyah its not-"

"Im not his fucking cousin stupid ass" carmen yelled
I couldnt even process what she said i was feeling so weak
August put his shorts on and came to me but i backed up

"No!" I yelled

"Im sorry li i really am"

"Nooooooooo stoppp stop stop stop it" i yelled my head was spinning
I walked to the stairs to leave when my knees gave up and I feel down each one

"Baybeh" aug ran to me but i pushed him back

"Dont touch me i DONT love you anymore" i saw the sadness in his eyes and he was about to cry but I couldn't be with him anymore

"Please liyah forgive me" he begged and tears fell down his face

"August i have i been knew your were cheating i just didnt want to lose you but you will never change so im ganna- *breaths slowly* im ganna go" i walked out and drove away trying to calm my nerves

My phone kept ringing so i threw it out the damn window

I rode for a while until i got to his house I knocked until he came to the door

"Aliyah i was bout to gt you- wahats wrong li?"

"He-i-he *gasp for air* i-can't breathe chase" my air became short and everything went black


I woke up to chase standing over me looking sad i turner over and seen jamal, amari, then august they all had sad faces until i opened my eyes

"Baybeh!" August said in excitement and came close to me but i pushed him back

"I- *clears throat* want you out" i said in a weak raspy voice
His eyes went back sad and he opened his mouth to speak but i put my hand up and stopped him he put his head down and walked out

"Li you aight" jamal asked
I just nodded cuz my throat hurt so bad

"We will call to check up on you later okay hun" amari said i nodded and the both kissed my forehead and left out

It was just me and chase and he still had a sad look
I grabbed his hands and smiled at him and he smiled back

"Dont be sad" my voice was still shaky

"I was just scared for you li i dont want nothing to happen to you" he said

"Im alright..thanks to you" he leaned in to kiss me and i kissed back
We pulled away slowly smiling really hard

"Lay with me please?" I asked he nodded and climd under the covers with me and i fell straight to sleep


Aliyah got me going crazy i just want her back i know I messed up but I really do love her and she just got to understand

I been just sitting out here giving her her space jamal and amri left so the chase niggah in there with her im waiting for him to leave so i can go in but he still aint come out yet
Im just going in cuz me and li need to talk

I walked in and these niggahs all laid up together wtf is this

"YO WTF" i yelled making the jump and wake up

"August whats wrong with you i told you to leave" aliyah said her voice still weak

"Why you all up on ole you mad at me but you been fucking him!" I askes her

"Yo you need to chill she alredy under alot of stress" chase said

"Niggah i wasnt talking to you so shut the hell up" i yelled at him he was bout to say something but aliyah spoke

"August i never cheated on you but yoh can think what you want cuz i dont care anymore what you think of do as long as im not hurting anymore i honestly can say that i still love you but im not IN love with you" she slightly smiled and grabbed chases hand

"Im in love with you" she told chase

"I love you too aliyah" he said

My blood was boiling did she really just say that

"Aliyah listen i know you only doing this cuz you mad but-"

"Yes ma'am" the nurse said on the intercom

"This man won't leave and I've told him to many times" aliyah said glaring at me

"Aight im gone li" i pushed the wall in anger and walked out the fucking hospital

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